Surat itu ku terima satu hari sebelumnya. Masih kupandangi sebaris kata itu, tak percaya apa yang tertulis disana. Pikiranku bermain dengan emosiku, walau tubuh ini menampakkan kelelahannya tapi fikiranku terus saja menjelajah ke negeri antah berantah untuk mencari jawaban atas pertanyaan besar dalam hidupku.
Mata ini masih saja tak bisa terpejam, entah sudah kulalui berapa malam seperti ini.
Sudah beberapa hari ini juga alam tak bersahabat dengan manusia, air masih ditumpahkan dari langit yang gelap, deru angin yang bergemuruh menggoyangkan sisa-sisa rumpun bambu di seberang rumah yang sudah kudiami hampir 2 tahun ini. Keheningan begitu menusuk, sampai-sampai bisa kuhitung detak jantungku, detak-detak seluruh jam di rumah yang sepi ini.
Ku longok jam di salah satu ponsel itu. 02.45 dini hari, terhenyak diriku ketika tiba-tiba salah satunya berdering. Terakhir kali aku mendapat panggilan pada waktu yang sama adalah 2 tahun lalu. Pada saat itu aku juga dalam kondisi yang hampir dibilang mirip, pikiranku dipenuhi bayangan masa depan dan penuh kebimbangan. Dan ingatanku langsung melayang menembus mesin waktu pada peristiwa dini hari itu.
4 Januari 2008
Aku berada di ruang kerja sempitku, sementara rekan-rekan senasibku entah sudah sampai alam mana mimpi mereka.
Panggilan itu datang.
Kuangkat dengan sigap. Diseberang sana kamu hanya mengucapkan sebaris kata itu.
“Eyang sudah gak ada, aku mau pulang” katanya singkat
“Tunggu aku” jawabku singkat.
Kuraih apa yang ada didekatku untuk menutupi tubuh dari dingin malam itu. Supri yang baru juga terlelap kupaksa untuk membuka matanya,
“aku pinjam motormu”
Seakan mengerti akan raut mukaku, tanpa sepatah katapun ia menyodorkan seberkas surat dan kunci kepadaku, dan hanya sekedar mengingatkanku bahwa hari ini ia lupa mengisi bahan bakarnya.
Kuhalau dingin malam itu, disana kamu telah menungguku, siap untuk melaju menembus dingin dan gelapnya malam itu. Dan masih saja, alam tak bersahabat, gendering awan terus bersahut-sahutan, cahaya berkilatan sambung menyambung di atas kepala kami.
Belum lagi jauh perjalanan itu, airpun ditumpahkan dari langit begitu dahsyatnya. Kupegang tangannya sambil tetap menjaga keseimbangan dua roda itu. Kamu tak berkata apa-apa, fikiranmu sudah ada disana, walau erat tubuhmu mendekapku, seraya kau sandarkan kepalamu dipunggungku dideras hujan dini hari itu. Tiap beberapa waktu, kutanya dirimu, apa kita akan berhenti dan beristirahat sejenak? Tapi pertanyaan itu hanya dijawab dengan bibir rapatmu. Sampai akhirnya kamu bilang,
“Bensinnya abis…. Nanti kita berhenti di Pom Bensin terdekat ya”.
Kujawab dengan anggukan kecil, kupacu roda dua pinjaman itu menembus lebatnya hujan. Sesampai pengisian bahan bakar, hujan sudah mereda. Waktu itu kupergunakan untuk beristirahat sejenak.
Bahan bakar telah terisi, motor sudah kukeringkan, menyisakan tubuh kami berdua yang basah kuyup. Tubuhku bergetar, tapi kamu menahan dingin itu. Kudekati dirimu tanpa sepatah katapun. Kuraih wajah itu, seakan kaupun tahu apa yang ada difikiranku. Kau sandarkan wajahmu didadaku.
Ku kecup kening itu, “Ayo kita lanjut, 15 menit lagi sampai” hanya anggukan kecil yang kuterima sebagai jawabnya
Sesampainya ditujuan, Om tampak berusaha tetap tenang dan menceritakan semuanya. Didalam kamar kecil itu, tubuh renta 84 tahun itu sudah dipanggil yang Kuasa, terbujur kaku dan telah lepas dari penderitaannya.
2 tahun berlalu
Kali ini suara diseberang sambungan hanya berkata: “Bapak Sakit”
15 tahun lalu pernah kudengar suara yang sama.ketakutan menjalar keseluruh sendiku. Tanpa fikir panjang ku hidupkan motor yang kini sudah menjadi milikku, hasil perjuangan kami berdua.
Bedanya, malam itu harus kutembus air hujan tanpa kehadirannya dibelakangku. Pikiranku terus melayang, entah tak tentu rimbanya. Pom Bensin itu masih disana, semua seperti diputar kembali. Jalan yang kulalui masih sama.
Aku masih sempat menemuinya. Tubuh kecil itu bergetar, sesekali batuknya menyayat, tak berdaya. Hanya satu yang masih tampak sama. Sorot matanya yang tajam menusuk. Kekerasan hatinya lah yang kemudian mampu mengumpulkan sisa tenaganya hanya untuk berkata.
“Pada ngapain lu… Bapak gapapa, gak butuh bantuan siapapun. Ngapain baru sekarang lu pada pura-pura perhatian ama bapak!”
Aku tak bisa dan memilih tak mau menjawab pertanyaan itu. Tanpa berkata apapun, kutinggalkan tubuh lemah itu didalam kontrakan kecil itu. Kami semua tak tahu apa yang harus dilakukan. Hatinya masih sekeras karang.
Tanpa kusadari, kekerasan hati itu telah menjadi bagian dariku. Tak bisa kupingkiri, kekerasan hati itu telah menjalar dalam darahku. Kekerasan hati yang membuatnya kehilangan orang yang berharga dalam hidupnya satu persatu, termasuk darah dagingnya sendiri.
Apakah aku akan menghabiskan sisa hidupku dengan kekerasan hati ini? Dan membuat semua yang kumiliki menjauh dariku. Kuharap, aku masih memiliki waktu untuk mengubahnya.
Buitenzorg, penghujung 2010. dalam kesunyian
Posted under real circumstance, source will be published and will not claimed as its own writing
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Roda Dua, Derasnya Hujan dan Pekatnya Malam (Memori 4 Januari)
Mixed, Compiled and Posted by elnino araujo at 11:50:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: Faith, Memory of a Life Time, Reflection, Time Machine
Monday, December 27, 2010
Five For Fighting - Dying
I'm Dying, Dying to wake up without you, without you in my head again
I'm Dying, Dying to forget about you, that you ever lived
There's a shade come over this heart that's coping with laying down to rest
I'm Dying to live without you again
I'm Dying, Dying to find a distraction, get you away from me
I'm Dying, Dying to reach a conclusion, so that the world can see
It's the same old story of love and glory that broke before it bent
I'm Dying to live without you again
The first time you left I said goodbye
Now there's not a prayer that can survive
Dying, Dying to die just to come back so we can meet again
Dying, Dying to say what I always should have said
It's a strange emotion this but there's still hope in this
As long as there's a breath...
I'm Dying and I can't live without you again
It's a strange emotion this but there's still hope in this
As long as there's a breath...
I'm Dying and I can't live without you
I'm Dying and I can't live without you again
This is the first ring tone she had whenever i call her, I thought it was just another five for fighting's song
As I read them word by word, I could feel the pain she had before she met me (again). and I'm wondering, if I could be that person for her....
Releasing her pain, sharing joy, happiness, laughter, tears, and sadness together to face this life... for the rest of our life.
But now,..... I truly feel this inside me. after spending my last 3 years with her, she makes my life meaningful. until that day finally wake me up that i've been through and making a stupid a terrible mistake.
And still, this song really means something to me, if God could give me an opportunity to change something, i would like to have it. Faith is the only one i have now.
that feeling will always be with me until my last breath come. even though it's hard to accept that you have to be ready, you could never ask for the same from her.
I Love Her
Posted under real circumstance, source will be published and will not claimed as its own writing
Mixed, Compiled and Posted by elnino araujo at 6:27:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: Faith, Sharing Experience
Artist: Dian Pramana Putra
Title: Haruskah
ada bayanganmu di mataku
dan senyummu membuatku rindu
bagaimana caranya oh kasihku
kuingin jumpa dengan kamu
bagaimana caranya
aku yakin diantara kita
masih ada cinta yang membara
bagaimana caranya oh sayangku
kuingin jumpa kau mengerti
bagaimana caranya
haruskah kuteteskan air mata di mimpi
haruskah kucurahkan segala isi di hati
oh haruskah kau kupeluk dan tak kulepas lagi
agar tiada pernah ada kata berpisah
du du du du du duuu
lupakanlah cerita kelabu
kita susun lagi langkah baru
bagaimana caranya oh cintaku
kuingin bahagia denganmu
bagaimana caranya, ooh
Posted under real circumstance, source will be published and will not claimed as its own writing
Mixed, Compiled and Posted by elnino araujo at 6:07:00 AM 0 comments
Labels: Memory of a Life Time, Sad Life, Sharing Experience
Friday, December 24, 2010
2 tahun lalu
from : ""
Thursday, January 1, 2009
2009 ALAYA
December, 25th 2008
(08.00 pm)
I see the dark sky, with a crescent moon and one sparkling stars....
it always struck me to see a night like this, the feeling it's so unspoken...
i tightly hug him and drawn my face in his warm foreback...
Drive a beat is one of my hobbies now, specially when i'm with him
"I wanna be a star like that" i whispered
"Why?" he asked
"So i can always be with you, like that star always stand beside the moon", still holding him tight
"But i don't wanna be your moon"
With his smile he said, "i just wanna be your sun, so i can always protect you, and give you life"
"hmmmmm....your my soul then", i laugh...
(11.00 pm)
tonight we're going to my mentor's house to celebrate an end of 2008 and welcoming 2009..
It's not a huge party, it's just among, friends and's nice...
Shared stories, laughed together, grilled 20 kilos fish (can you imagine???), make some juice...and finally....
January, 1st 2009
(12.00 am)
the fireworks sparkling all over the skies WELCOMING 2009..
i'm not in jakarta, not in the other place somewhere outside indonesia.
i'm just here, in bogor, in a warm house, between beloved friends, and of course with him
My gorgeous fiancee...
it's enough and it's so wonderful..
we still holding hand together when he whispered trough my ear, " Happy New Year ay..ALAYA"
I just smiling back at him and hold him closely...
With looking deep into his dark brown eyes i realized that my new year and another new year that will come ahead will never be perfect without him...
Awal tahun 2010, harus kulalui ratusan kilometer darinya, sebuah tugas yang harus ku emban, untuk meniti masa depanku bersamanya.
Tengah tahun 2010, memulai kembali memang hal yang paling berat.... ada dirinya disampingku membuatku tetap kuat dan tegar, dia motivasi hidupku, dan membuat hidupku lebih berarti.
Akhir tahun 2010, aku tak tahu sepanas apa matahari di tahun 2011, aku.... aku... aku... aku, tak bisa berkata apa-apa.
Mixed, Compiled and Posted by elnino araujo at 1:00:00 AM 0 comments
Labels: Confusion, Deep Thought, Evaluation, Introspection, Reflection, Sharing Experience
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Crystal Ball
Title: Crystal Ball
Artist: Keane
Album : Under the Iron Sea
Years : 2006
Who is the man I see,
Where I'm supposed to be?
I lost my heart, I buried it too deep
Under the iron sea.
Oh crystal ball, crystal ball,
Save us all, tell me life is beautiful
Mirror, mirror on the wall.
Lines ever more unclear
Not sure I'm even here
The more I look the more I think that I'm
Starting to disappear
Oh crystal ball, crystal ball,
Save us all, tell me life is beautiful
Mirror, mirror on the wall.
Oh crystal ball hear my song,
I'm fading out, everything I know is wrong,
So put me where I belong.
I don't know where I am
And I don't really care
I look myself in the eye,
There's no one there
I fall upon the earth
I call upon the air
But all I get is the same old vacant stare.
Oh crystal ball, crystal ball,
Save us all, tell me life is beautiful
Mirror, mirror on the wall
Oh crystal ball, hear my song,
I'm fading out, everything I know is wrong,
So put me where I belong.
Posted under real circumstance, source will be published and will not claimed as its own writing
Mixed, Compiled and Posted by elnino araujo at 1:58:00 AM 0 comments
Labels: Let's Sing It
This is the Last Time
Title: This is The Last Time
Artist(s) : Keane
Album: Hope and Fear
Year: 2004
This is the last time
That I will say these words
I remember the first time
The first of many lies
Sweep it into the corner
Or hide it under the bed
Say these things, they go away
But they never do
Something I wasn't sure of
But I was in the middle of
Something I forget now
But I've seen too little of
The last time
You fall on me for anything you like
Your one last lie
You fall on me for anything you like
And years make everything alright
You fall on me for anything you like
And I, no I don't mind
This is the last time
That I will show my face
One last tender lie
And then I'm out of this place
Tread it into the carpet
Or hide it under the stairs
You say that some things never die
Well I tried and I tried
Something I wasn't sure of
But I was in the middle of
Something I forget now
But I've seen too little of
The last time
You fall on me for anything you like
Your one last lie
You fall on me for anything you like
And years make everything alright
You fall on me for anything you like
And I, no I don't mind
(Instrumental Break)
The last time
You fall on me for anything you like
Your one last lie
You fall on me for anything you like
And years make everything alright
You fall on me for anything you like
And I, no I don't mind
Posted under real circumstance, source will be published and will not claimed as its own writing
Mixed, Compiled and Posted by elnino araujo at 1:52:00 AM 0 comments
Labels: Let's Sing It
Friday, December 17, 2010
In My Life
Artist: The Beatles
Album : Rubber Soul
Title: In My Life
There are places I'll remember
All my life, though some have changed
Some forever, not for better
Some have gone and some remain
All this places have their moments
With lovers and friends I still can recall
Some are dead and some are living
In my life, I've loved them all
But of all these friends and lovers
There is no one compares with you
And these memories lose their meaning
When I think of love as something new
Though I know I'll never lose affection
For people and things that went before
I know I'll often stop and think about them
In my life, I love you more
Though I know I'll never lose affection
For people and things that went before
I know I'll often stop and think about them
In my life, I love you more
In my life-- I love you more
Posted under real circumstance, source will be published and will not claimed as its own writing
Mixed, Compiled and Posted by elnino araujo at 4:28:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: 60's, Great Song, Greatest Musician, Pujangga, Remarkable Artist
Jakarta, 13 Desember 2010
Surat Keberatan Terbuka
Kepada yth. Pimpinan Perusahaan PT. TELEVISI TRANSFORMASI INDONESIA Jl. Kapten P. Tendean Kav 12-14 A Jakarta 12790 Telp. 62-21-79177000 Fax. 62-21-79187721 E-mail :
Mereka bukan primitif! Terlepas tontonan tersebut adalah gambaran realitas yang mungkin mengandung kebenaran faktual dan objektif atau inovasi kreasi media untuk tujuan hiburan semata-mata dengan segala maksud dan motif popularitas selebritis dan bisnis dibaliknya, akal sehat dan hati nurani siapapun akan mengatakan tidak satu orangpun dari anggota salah satu, mungkin juga beberapa orang anggota atau kelompok suku dalam masyarakat adat di Indonesia sebagai primitif karena berbeda asal usul, suku, adat istiadat, kebiasaan, termasuk cara dan pola hidup sehari-hari dari dunia modern dan selebritis.
Pernahkah pihak produser, programmer dan editor PRIMITIVE RUNAWAY di TRANS TV menjelaskan secara lengkap dan objektif makna dan implikasi, definisi, konotasi dan asosiasi kata PRIMITIVE atau primitif terhadap keberadaan, asal usul, adat istiadat, pola dan tradisi hidup, makan dan makanan khususnya kepada suku dalam masyarakat adat yang telah menjadi materi-objek gambar dan tontonan acara tersebut?
Peraturan Komisi Penyiaran Indonesia No. 02/P/KPI/12/2009 tentang Pedoman Perilaku Penyiaran Bab VI Penghormatan terhadap Suku, Agama, Ras dan Antargolongan memberikan koridor yang jelas tentang penyiaran khususnya Pasal 6 Lembaga penyiaran wajib menghormati perbedaan suku, agama, ras, antargolongan, dan hak pribadi maupun kelompok, yang mencakup keragaman budaya, usia, gender, dan kehidupan sosial ekonomi.
Menurut Trans TV merupakan “Sebuah program yang mengajak seorang artis bersama salah satu sahabat, keluarga, suami-istri atau orang terdekatnya untuk tinggal (menetap) di salah satu suku yang ada di Indonesia, untuk mempelajari semua adat istiadat, budaya maupun kebiasaan sebuah suku.”
Sekilas tidak ada yang salah dan persoalan sedikitpun melihat gambaran singkat program tersebut. Mungkin maksud penayangan program tersebut baik adanya sebagai hiburan yang mengandung makna pendidikan dan promosi kekayaan salah satu suku bangsa di Indonesia. Pertama, muatan edukasi untuk berkenalan dengan satu suku di Indonesia yang dilakukan oleh seorang artis juga tidak ada masalahnya. Kedua, belajar adat istiadat, budaya maupun kebiasaan sebuah suku dapat dipandang sebagai satu pendidikan bagi orang dewasa. Ketiga, pelaku usaha dunia hiburan TRANS TV memiliki hak dan kebebasan dalam menjalankan upaya dan karya penyiaran dengan maksud dan tujuan penyiaran yang edukatif dan menghibur sebagaimana yang diatur didalam UU No. 32 tahun 2002
Harapan dan rasa prihatin mendalam
Surat terbuka ini coba mengangkat sisi kemanusiaan yang telah tanpa disengaja, mungkin diabaikan oleh pengasuh program PRIMITIVE RUNAWAY. Sebagai orang awam dunia penyiaran, kami yakin selayaknya proseseditingyang lengkap dan objektif berjalan baik dan sebagaimana mestinya.
Surat terbuka ini bukan mempertentangkan dunia artis yang berbeda dan modern karena dijadikan sebagai alat pencipta kontradiksi visual yang layak ditonton oleh pemirsa. Bukan pula bermaksud membatasi dan mengekang kebebasan kreasi, inovasi dan karya intelektual para pekerja media untuk popularitas dan nilai rating tayangan dalam membuat keuntungan dari pogram PRIMITIVE RUNAWAY. Surat terbuka ini juga bukan bermaksud menegasikan pilihan dan kebebasan masyarakat dan anggota suku yang telah terlanjur memberikan persetujuan mereka, baik tertulis maupun lisan, untuk terlibat dan mendukung program PRIMITIVE RUNAWAY.
Sangat disayangkan apa yang terjadi kemudian, mungkin tanpa sengaja tetapi telah berulang-ulang dan sistematis apa yang kami duga sebagai tindakan yang mengarah pada eksploitasi dan penghinaan karna perbedaan – diskriminasi negatif terhadap suku tertentu dengan tindakan menayangkan perbedaan hakiki sebagai primitif, dan penayangan program tersebut paling tidak telah menciptakan stigma visual dan membentuk rekaman memori bahwa 'suku' yang dipertontonkan sebagai terbelakang dari dunia modern dan kontradiksi hidup artis selebritis terhadap salah satu suku tertentu dalam masyarakat adat di Indonesia.
Contoh pertama, edisi 31 Juli 2010 dengan dua artis selebriti bintang tamu yang berkunjung ke suku Sakkudai, Mentawai. Angle dan settingtontonan yang diambil, pemirsa disuguhi kesesatan dan kebohongan mengenai orang Sakkudai yang ditampilkan bodoh, terbelakang, dan jauh dari santun. Ada adegan orang Sakkudai yang menjilati bingkisan yang diberikan. Ada adegan di mana kedua artis selebriti bintang tamu oleh orang Sakkudai dipaksa mengenakan pakaian adat, bahkan seorang perempuan tua bertelanjang dada “beraksi” dengan berusaha melepaskan paksa busana “kota” sang artis. Tak kalah seru, ditampilkan pula adegan pemaksaan melakukan tradisi kikir gigi dan tato tubuh kepada para artis.
Contoh kedua, dari mereka sempat menonton dan prihatin termasuk diantaranya pegiat dan aktifis masyarakat adat dan anggota masyarakat adat salah satu episode tayangan Jum'at, 10 Desember 2010, menemukan bahwa (1) Ada pembohongan besar, masyarakat tersebut bukan Orang Rimba. Dimana mereka (kami) mendampingi Orang Rimba di Bukti-12, Bukit-30 dan sepanjang Lintas Sumatera dan mereka (kami) tidak mengenal salah satu orangpun yang tampil didalam acara tersebut; (2) Tidak ada Orang Rimba di Rengat Pekanbaru, tapi yang ada diwilayah tersebut adalah Talang Mamak (mereka berada disekitar kawasan Indragiri dan Bukit-30); dan (3) Acara tersebut sangat diluar kepatutan, penuh rekayasa dan penggambaran hal-hal yang tidak pernah terjadi di Rimba (kalaupun menurut yang digambarkan Trnas TV itu Orang Rimba), seperti misalnya mengejar dan menombak. Orang Rimba tidak mengenal budaya kekerasan seperti itu.
Kami mengamati, tayangan ini memang telah berhasil menghibur sekaligus mempengaruhi cara pandang dan persepsi penonton acara tersebut dengan mereproduksi dan menyebarkan kesesatan berpikir mengenai suku tertentu dalam masyarakat adat di Indonesia. Sebagaimana salah satu sumber online membeberkan tanggapan para pengikut twitter pada laman Twitter@primitiverunaway: (1) lo boleh komentar, episode kali ini kurang primitif nih.. but, it’s okay.. bs nambah pngtahuan adat di bali.., (2) yep, episode ini kurang primitive! klo blh ksh msukan, ak prnah liat org luar k derah klimantan. ad tradisi ngeludah d rmah, (3) Di suku pedalaman papua aja.. Yg msh kanibal.., (4) You’re great! I love. Tapi edisi kali ini, kurang primitif & terlalu setting.
Ekspresi kekecewaan dan keberatan
Apabila tanggapan dan ungkapan para pengikut twitter di atas benar dan merupakan representasi virtual penonton dengan persepsi dan imajinasi dengan implikasi, konotasi, asosiasi dan interpretasi yang mungkin akan berdampak langsung dan tidak langsung akan menebarkan fitnah dan kesesatan berfikir tentang salah satu suku dalam masyarakat adat yang ada di Indonesia.
Selain itu kami juga mengamati telah terjadi kekecewaan dan keberatan dari berbagai penjuru di Indonesia. Ungkapan-ungkapan berikut ini menunjukan akumulasi keberatan terhadap program PRIMITIVE RUNAWAY:
...'bahwa acara ini sungguh merendahkan derajat Masyarakat adat!!! Sebaiknya Komisi Penyiaran Indonesia dan menutut acara ini dihentikan.' Saya sepakat bahwa tayangan itu menyinggung perasaan, dan melecehkan masyarakat adat. Saya setuju banget. Sejak program ini digulirkan, saya lihat terus tayangannya, benar-benar salah persepsi terhadap masyarakat adat.
…Siapapun yang punya rasa kemanusiaan dan sensitif kepada masalah kemanusiaan akan marah melihat tayangan PRIMITIVE RUN AWAY tersebut. Kita bisa berasumsi bahwa stasion ini memang tak sinsitif pada hal-hal seperti ini sehingga tidak melakukan self-censorship terhadap siaran-siarannya, atau sebaliknya memang pura-pura tak tahu dan melakukannya untuk keperluan komersial. Oleh karenanya mereka harus diingatkan, diprotes, disomasi, bahkan dituntut ke pengadilan karena telah melakukan penghinaan terhadap suatu komunitas.
... Saya merasa justru KPI pun seharusnya diprotes karena dalam kasus ini tampak mereka benar-benar tidak punya sensitifitas pada isu budaya, kemanusiaan, dan HAM. (Seharusnya merekalah yang menegor stasion ini terlebih dahulu, karena ini jelas-jelas penghinaan.) Menurut saya momentum ini bisa sangat bermanfaat untuk menarik perhatian, terutama, terkait dengan prolegnas. Mungkin teman-teman punya ide cemerlang untuk melakukan "protes dengan cara yang indah, beradab dan berbudaya" di jalanan.
Konstitusi & UU Penyiaran vis-a-vis PRIMITIVE RUN AWAY
UU No. 32 Tahun 2002 tentang Penyiaran Pasal 2: Penyiaran diselenggarakan berdasarkan Pancasila dan Undang-Undang Dasar Negara Republik Indonesia Tahun 1945 dengan asas manfaat, adil dan merata, kepastian hukum, keamanan, keberagaman, kemitraan, etika, kemandirian, kebebasan, dan tanggung jawab. Pasal 3 Penyiaran diselenggarakan dengan tujuan untuk memperkukuh integrasi nasional, terbinanya watak dan jati diri bangsa yang beriman dan bertakwa, mencerdaskan kehidupan bangsa, memajukan kesejahteraan umum, dalam rangka membangun masyarakat yang mandiri, demokratis, adil dan sejahtera, serta menumbuhkan industri penyiaran Indonesia. Pasal 4 ayat (1) Penyiaran sebagai kegiatan komunikasi massa mempunyai fungsi sebagai media informasi, pendidikan, hiburan yang sehat, kontrol dan perekat sosial; (2) Dalam menjalankan fungsi sebagaimana dimaksud dalam ayat (1), penyiaran juga mempunyai fungsi ekonomi dan kebudayaan.
Pasal 5 Penyiaran diarahkan untuk: a. menjunjung tinggi pelaksanaan Pancasila dan Undang-Undang Dasar Negara Republik Indonesia Tahun 1945; b. menjaga dan meningkatkan moralitas dan nilai-nilai agama serta jati diri bangsa; c. meningkatkan kualitas sumber daya manusia; d. menjaga dan mempererat persatuan dan kesatuan bangsa; e. meningkatkan kesadaran ketaatan hukum dan disiplin nasional; f. menyalurkan pendapat umum serta mendorong peran aktif masyarakat dalam pembangunan nasional dan daerah serta melestarikan lingkungan hidup; g. mencegah monopoli kepemilikan dan mendukung persaingan yang sehat di bidang penyiaran; h. mendorong peningkatan kemampuan perekonomian rakyat, mewujudkan pemerataan, dan memperkuat daya saing bangsa dalam era globalisasi; i. memberikan informasi yang benar, seimbang, dan bertanggung jawab; j. memajukan kebudayaan nasional.
Sesuai dengan ketentuan Penghormatan Terhadap Suku, Agama, Ras dan Antargolongan cukup jelas dalam Peraturan Komisi Penyiaran Indonesia Nomor 02/P/KPI/12/2009 tentang Pedoman Perilaku Penyiaran (P3) dan Standar Program Siaran (SPS) 2009. Ungkapan dan keberatan diatas jelas menunjukan bahwa program PRIMITIVE RUNAWAY telah gagal mematuhi dan menjalankan ketentuan peraturan KPI Nomor 02/P/KPI/12/2009 khususnya Pasal 7 Lembaga penyiaran dilarang merendahkan suku, agama, ras, antargolongan dan/atau melecehkan perbedaan individu dan/atau kelompok, yang mencakup, usia, gender, dan kehidupan sosial ekonomi.
Perlindungan terhadap masyarakat adat adalah mutlak!
Sejarah membuktikan bahwa segala bentuk ajaran, kebijakan, dan kebiasaan yang berdasarkan atau mendewakan keunggulan bangsa atau perorangan atas nama perbedaan asal usul atau bangsa, agama, suku atau budaya adalah rasis, keliru dari segi ilmu ilmiah, cacat hukum, terkutuk secara moral dan tidak adil secara sosial. Oleh karena itu masyarakat adat dari suku apapun dalam menjalankan kehidupan, tradisi dan adat istiadat termasuk budaya dan kebiasaan asli mereka, bebas dari segala bentuk tindakan eksploitasi dan diskriminasi negatif.
Akumulasi ungkapan dan keberatan publik melalui individu, aktifis, pegiat masyarakar adat dan anggota masyarakat adat dari berbagai daerah di seluruh nusantara termasuk Kalimantan Barat, Kalimantan Tengah, Riau, Jambi, Jakarta dan Bogor semakin meluas. Semua menyatakan kecewa dan prihatin terhadap program PRIMITIVE RUNAWAY, yang menayangkan kepada penonton, ungkapan artis selebritis yang dipertontonkan tampak oleh penonton sebagai sikap dan ekspresi jijik, mimik tidak suka, senyum sinis, lucu, muak dan mual terhadap kebiasaan hidup, makan dan makanan, tradisi dan adat istiadat suku tertentu dalam masyarakat adat di Indonesia.
Oleh karena itu, kami mendesak pemerintah tidak membiarkan dan/atau mengambil keuntungan dari kekeliruan pemahaman publik dan masyarakat awam dalam memprimitifkan suku dalam masyarakat adat. “Kebodohan” dan “keterbelakangan” jangan menjadi alasan pemerintah untuk “mendidik” dan “memodernkan” masyarakat adat secara paksa. Dan atas nama pembangunan, “keprimitifan” menjadi alat pembenar untuk merampas tanah masyarakat adat.
Pemerintah Indonesia harus segera memastikan perumusan legislasi undang-undang perlindungan masyarakat adat dan pemberlakuan dalam upaya yang sistematis untuk melindungi. Oleh karena itu, kepada semua pihak segera menghentikan semua tindakan yang dapat mengarah pada eksploitasi dan penghinaan terhadap semua suku dalam masyarakat adat yang telah lama mengalami berbagai tindakan ketidak-adilan sebagai hasil dari antara lain praktek-praktek kolonialisasi dan perampasan tanah, wilayah dan sumber daya alam mereka.
Berdasarkan pertimbangan dan keberatan diatas, kami yang berprihatin atas penayangan program PRIMITIVE RUNAWAY bersama para aktifis, pegiat dan pendukung masyarakat masyarakat adat di Indonesia menyampaikan desakan dan tuntutan sebagai berikut:
Pertama, hentikan eksploitasi suku yang mengarah pada penghinaan dan merendahkan. Kami yakin kemungkinan telah terjadi eksploitasi terhadap suku dan anggota masyarakat adat yang telah dimanfaatkan atau menjadi bagian dan/atau telah merasa menjadi korban program 'PRIMITIVE RUNAWAY', baik perorangan maupun kelompok langsung dan tidak langsung.
Kedua, secara fisik dan psikologis baik laki-laki, perempuan, anak-anak dan kelompok rentan lainnya dalam suku manapun di Indonesia bukan objek penciptaan dan imajinasi sebagai primitif. Artinya, sejak penyiaran perdana program ini secara resmi ditayangkan, baik sengaja dan/atau atas kesadaran mereka sendiri dan/atau kelompok, apalagi tanpa mereka sadari atas segala kemungkinan dampaknya.
Ketiga, hentikan persepsi dan penggunaan kata primitif terhadap suku dalam masyarakat adat. Kata primitif erat kaitannya dengan konotasi negatif, tafsiran dan asosiasi tindakan, stigmatisasi, tuduhan keterbelakangan, ketertinggalan, warisan kolonial, pemaksaan dan penindasan dengan inkulturasi, asimilasi budaya luar modern.
Keempat, seluruh suku adalah setara dan berhak atas perlakuan baik dan benar dari produser PRIMITIVE RUNAWAY. Apabila suku merasa telah dirugikan, mereka berhak mendapatkan pelurusan dan pemulihan atas kerugian yang mereka alami dari stigma dan persepsi primitif yang muncul akibat penayangan PRIMITIVE RUNAWAY.
Kelima, kami mendesak Komisi Penyiaran Indonesia bersama otoritas dan pimpinan PT. TELEVISI TRANSFORMASI INDONESIA melakukan evaluasi menyeluruh dan objektif terhadap seluruh program PRIMITIVE RUNAWAY. Evaluasi dan penilaian dilaksanakan secara independen dan transparan dengan melibatkan parapihak berkepentingan. Hasil evaluasi dan penilaian tersebut harus disampaikan secara terbuka kepada publik.
Keenam, untuk itu atas nama pemirsa/penonton yang turut prihatin, baik sebagai anggota suku atau bukan anggota suku yang telah merasa dieksploitasi dalam tayangan PIRIMITIVE RUNAWAY mendesak program PRIMITIVE RUNAWAY dihentikan sementara penayangannya agar terjadi penilaian yang objektif dan memenuhi rasa keadilan publik.
Kami yang menyampaikan surat keberatan terbuka,
Jakarta, 13 Desember 2010
Daftar nama dan organisasi yang turut mendukung surat terbuka:
Abetnego Tarigan, Depok
Koesnadi Wirasapoetra, Bogor, Jawa Barat
Norman Jiwan, Bogor, Jawa Barat
Andi Inda Fatinaware, Dewan Pengawas Nasional Solidaritas Perempuan
Andiko, SH, Jakarta
Dimpos Manalu, Sumatera Utara
Eva Fitrina
Firdaus Cahyadi
Ghonjess Panuluh
Hermayani Putera, Kalimantan Barat
Idham arsyad, Sekretaris Jendral KPA, Jakarta
Juana Mantovani
Melky Baran
Nanang Sujana, Bogor
Nawir Sikki, Sekretaris Jendral JARI Indonesia
Nurhidayat Moenir, Bogor
Puji, Kehati
Sapei Rusin, Ketua BP PERGERAKAN
Tandiono Bawor Purbaya, SH, Jakarta
Victor Mambor, Papua
Yuyun Kurniawan, Direktur Yayasan Titian
Blasius Hendi Candra, SH, Direktur Eksekutif WALHI Kalbar
Zainuri Hasyim, Riau
Pius Daren, Pontianak – Kalimantan Barat
Kasmita Widodo,Koordinator Nasional JKPP
Adriana Sri Adhiati
Berton. N /FWI
Mina Susana Setra
Rainny Natalia
Elisabeth Nusmartaty
Jopi Perangin-angin
Mahir Takaka
Roy Thaniago
Taryudi Chaklid
Arifin Saleh
Erasmus Cahyadi
Nifron Baun
Ari Susanti
Annas Radin Syarif
Simon Pabaras
Romba Maranu Sombolinggi
Nuraida Sitorus
Indah Puji Lestari
Ade Kartika Utami
Andi Warnoto
Yohanes Kanisius Senda
Yusuf Saputra
Snik Dahlan
Yoga Syaiful Rizal
Weni Trifena
R. Agus HD, NTB
Betty Tiominar, Bogor
Hamsuri, Balikpapan
Haru Nuh, Ketua BPH AMAN Sumut
Juliade, LPMA Borneo Selatan
Debra Helen Yatim
Janetta Nizar
Basir Pangewang, AMAN Kepulauan Togian
Jes Putra Kluet, Yayasan Peduli Nanggroe Atjeh
Rizaldi Siagian
Budi Arianto, Aceh
Hubertus Samangun,ICTI-Tanimbar
Hariansyah Usman, Riau
Agustinus, Pontianak
Rukmini Paata Toheke AMAN
Albertus Hadi Pramono
Wirendro Sumargo, Bogor
Rivani Noor, Jambi
Een Irawan Putra, Bogor
Sutrisno, Bogor
Sarekat Hijau Indonesia
KSPPM Parapat
Yayasan Visi Anak Bangsa
Yayasan Satudunia
WWF-Indonesia Program Kalimantan Barat
TPP Lampung
Konsorsium Pembaruan Agraria
Gekko Studio
JARI Indonesia
Jaringan Kerja Pemetaan Partisipatif
Foker LSM Papua
Yayasan Titian
Yayasan Mitra Insani Riau
WALHI Kalbar
Solidaritas Perempuan
Down to Earth, Indonesia Office
Yayasan Komunitas Seni (Komseni
Yayasan Peduli Nanggroe Atjeh
LBBT Pontianak
Forest Watch Indonesia
CAPPA, Jambi
Posted under real circumstance, source will be published and will not claimed as its own writing
Mixed, Compiled and Posted by elnino araujo at 11:07:00 AM 0 comments
Labels: Faith, People's Movement., Speak your Mind, Stop Violence, Time to do things, Traditional Knowledge
Thursday, December 09, 2010
911 - All I want is you
Ooh baby, oh oh
All I want is you
Baby, I've tried but I can't help myself
Can't disguise the way I feel inside
I'm falling so helplessly it's true, yeah
I close my eyes and believe completely
That I can feel you touching my skin so tenderly
Come morning light just the victim of fantasy
Every time I close my eyes
You just disappear you say goodbye
Baby, I'd do anything to make you mine
Oh, it's true
All I want is you
(I'll give my heart and soul)
All I want is you
(I'll be there when you call)
All I wanna do
(is make love to you)
All I want is you, all I want is you
I can't sleep 'til the last star leaves the sky
With every beat of my heart
I wanna make you mine
I'm praying you feel the same way too
Tell me that you hear my call tonight
Oh you can bring this dream to life
Baby, I'd do anything to make you mine
Oh, it's true
All I want is you
(I'll give my heart and soul)
All I want is you
(I'll be there when you call)
All I wanna do
(is make love to you)
All I want is you, all I want is you
All you gotta do is believe in me you'll find sanctuary
Just one chance is all I need to prove that you and I
Are for ever meart to be
(All I want is you)
(All I want is you)
(All I want is you)
(All I want is you)
All I want is you
All I wanna do is
(make love to you)
All I want is you, all I want is you
Baby, I'll give my heart and soul
(I'll give my heart and soul)
Give my heart and soul
(I'll be there when you call)
All I wanna do
(is making love to you)
Oh you know it's true
All I want is you, all I want is you
All I want is you
(I'll give my heart and soul)
All I want is you
(I'll be there when you call)
All I wanna do
(is make love to you)
All I want is you, all I want is you
More lyrics:
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Mixed, Compiled and Posted by elnino araujo at 11:32:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: 90's, Let's Sing It, Memory of a Life Time
Boyzone - all that I need
I was lost and alone
Trying to grow making my way down that long winding road
Had no reason no rhyme
Like a song out of time
And there you were standing in front of my eyes
How could I be such a fool
To let go of love and break all the rules
Girl when you walked down that door
Left a hole in my heart
And now I know for sure
You're the air that I breathe
Girl you're all that I need
And I wanna thank you, lady
You're the words that I read
You're the light that I see
And your love is all that I need
I was searching in vain
Playing a game
Had no-one else but myself left to blame
You came into my world
No diamonds or pearls Just like a castle of sand
Girl, I almost let love slip right out of my hands
And just like a flower needs rain
I will stand by your side through the joy and the pain
Repeat Chorus X2
You're all that I need, girl
You're the air that I breathe, yeah
And I want to thank you
(And I want to thank you, lady)
You're the words that I read, girl
You're love is all I need, yeah
And I want to thank you
(And I want to thank you, lady)
You're all that I need, girl
You're the air that I breathe, yeah
And I want to thank you..
(Repeat to fade)
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Mixed, Compiled and Posted by elnino araujo at 11:31:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: Let's Sing It
U2 - All I Want is You
You say you want
Diamonds on a ring of gold
You say you want
Your story to remain untold
But all the promises we make
From the cradle to the grave
When all I want is you
You say you'll give me
A highway with no one on it
Treasure just to look upon it
All the riches in the night
You say you'll give me
Eyes in a moon of blindness
A river in a time of dryness
A harbour in the tempest
But all the promises we make
From the cradle to the grave
When all I want is you
You say you want
Your love to work out right
To last with me through the night
You say you want
Diamonds on a ring of gold
Your story to remain untold
Your love not to grow cold
All the promises we break
From the cradle to the grave
When all I want is you
You...all I want is...
You...all I want is...
You...all I want is...
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Mixed, Compiled and Posted by elnino araujo at 11:29:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: 90's, Greatest Musician, Irish, Let's Sing It
I Will
Who knows how long I've loved you
You know I love you still
Will I wait a lonely lifetime
If you want me to, I will.
For if I ever saw you
I didn't catch your name
But it never really mattered
I will always feel the same.
Love you forever and forever
Love you with all my heart
Love you whenever we're together
Love you when we're apart.
And when at last I find you
Your song will fill the air
Sing it loud so I can hear you
Make it easy to be near you
For the things you do endear you to me
Oh, you know, I will
I will.
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Mixed, Compiled and Posted by elnino araujo at 4:40:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: 60's, Greatest Musician, Let's Sing It, Love
Morrissey - The More You Ignore Me, The Closer I Get
Artist: Morrissey
Title: The More You Ignore Me, The Closer I Get
Album: Vauxhall & I, the best of morrissey
Year: 1994, 2001
The more you ignore me, the closer I get
You're wasting your time
The more you ignore me, the closer I get
You're wasting your time
I will be in the bar with my head on the bar
I am now a central part of your mind's landscape
Whether you care or do not
Yeah, I've made up your mind
The more you ignore me, the closer I get
You're wasting your time
The more you ignore me, the closer I get
You're wasting your time
Beware, I bear more grudges than lonely high court judges
When you sleep, I will creep into your thoughts like a bad debt
That you can't pay, take the easy way and give in
Yeah, and let me in, oh let me in, oh let me, oh let me in
It's war, it's war, it's war, it's war, it's war
War, war, war, war
Oh, let me in,
oh, the closer I get
Ah, you're asking for it
Ah, the closer I get
Oh, the closer I
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Mixed, Compiled and Posted by elnino araujo at 6:01:00 AM 0 comments
Labels: 90's, Let's Sing It
Wednesday, December 08, 2010
Never Forget
Singer: Take That
Album: Nobody else
Year: 1995
We've come so far and we've reached so high
And we've looked each day and night in the eye
And we're still so young and we hope for more
We've come a long way, but we're not too sure where we've been
We've had success, we've had good times, but remember this.....
Verse 1:
Been on this path of life for so long
Feel I've walked a thousand miles
Sometimes strolled hand in hand with love
Everybody's been there
With danger on my mind I would stay on the line of hope
I knew I could make it
Once I knew the boundaries I looked into the clouds and saw
My face in the moonlight
Just then I realised what a fool I could be
Just cause I look so high I don't have to see me
Finding a paradise wasn't easy but still
There's a road going down the other side of this hill
Never forget where you've come here from
Never pretend that it's all real
Someday soon this will be someone else's dream
Verse 2:
Been safe from the arms of disappointment for so long
Feel each day we've come too far
Yet each day seems to make much more
Sure is good to be here
I understand the meaning of "I can't explain this feeling"
Now it feels so unreal
At night I see the hand that reminds me of the stand I make
The fact of reality
Never forget where you've come here from
Never pretend that it's all real
Someday soon this will be someone else's dream
We've come so far and we've reached so high
And we've looked each day and night in the eye
And we're still so young and we hope for more
But remember this
We're not invincible, we're not invincible - No
We're only people, we're only people
Hey we're not invincible, we're not invincible
So again I'll tell you
Never forget where you've come here from
Never pretend that it's all real
Someday soon this will be someone else's dream
We've come so far and we've reached so high
And we've looked each day and night in the eye
And we're still so young and we hope for more
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Mixed, Compiled and Posted by elnino araujo at 8:30:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: 90's, Let's Sing It
If you Love Somebody
"If You Love Somebody Set Them Free"
singer: Sting
If you need somebody, call my name
If you want someone, you can do the same
If you want to keep something precious
You got to lock it up and throw away the key
If you want to hold onto your possession
Don't even think about me
If you love somebody, set them free
If it's a mirror you want, just look into my eyes
Or a whipping boy, someone to despise
Or a prisoner in the dark
Tied up in chains you just can't see
Or a beast in a gilded cage
That's all some people ever want to be
If you love somebody, set them free
You can't control an independent heart
Can't tear the one you love apart
Forever conditioned to believe that we can't live
We can't live here and be happy with less
So many riches, so many souls
Everything we see we want to possess
If you need somebody, call my name
If you want someone, you can do the same
If you want to keep something precious
You got to lock it up and throw away the key
If you want to hold onto your possession
Don't even think about me
If you love somebody, set them free
"If You Love Somebody Set Them Free"
is the first single released from Sting's solo debut album The Dream of the Blue Turtles. It is also the opening track of the album, and is featured on Fields of Gold: The Best of Sting 1984-1994 as well as The Very Best of Sting & The Police. The song's title refers to an aphorism by Richard Bach.[citation needed]
[edit] Song information
Like much of the album, the song has heavy jazz influences, and was a major hit, peaking at number three on the US Billboard Hot 100, number one on the US Album Rock Tracks chart for three weeks, number 17 on the US R&B chart[1], and number 26 on the UK Singles Chart.
Live performances of the song are featured on the DVD edition of Bring On the Night and on the CD and DVD editions of ...All This Time.
A portion of the song was later used for Sting's 1987 hit "We'll Be Together" from ...Nothing Like the Sun.
The song was also performed at The Brits in February 1995 with M People. He duetted on the song with the band's lead singer, Heather Small and this track was given the dance treatment by the band who were also backed by a 100-strong Gospel Choir at the Earls Court Arena during the annual music awards show.
Sting said that he wrote the song as an "antidote" to the Police's 1983 song "Every Breath You Take."
about Sting:
Gordon Matthew Thomas Sumner, CBE (born 2 October 1951), better known by his professional name Sting, is an English musician, singer-songwriter, activist, actor and philanthropist. Prior to starting his solo career, he was the principal songwriter, lead singer and bassist of the rock band The Police.
Sting has varied his musical style throughout his career, incorporating distinct elements of jazz, reggae, classical, and world-beat into his music.[1] As a solo musician and member of The Police, Sting has received sixteen Grammy Awards for his work, receiving his first Grammy for Best Rock Instrumental Performance in 1981, and receiving an Oscar nomination for best song. He is a member of both the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and the Songwriters Hall of Fame.
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Mixed, Compiled and Posted by elnino araujo at 5:02:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: Greatest Musician, Let's Sing It, Remarkable Artist
Akon - Lonely
Lonely im so lonely,
I have nobody,
To call my owwnnn
Im so lonely, im mr. Lonely
I have nobody,
To call my owwnnn
Im so lonely,
Yo this one here goes out to all my playas out there ya kno got to have one good girl whose always been there like ya
Kno took all the bullshit then one day she cant take it no more and decides to leave
I wont up in the middle of the night and I noticed my girl wasn't by my side, coulda sworn I was dreamin, for her I was
Feenin, so I hadda take a little ride, back tracking ova these few years, tryna figure out wat I do to make it go bad, cuz
Ever since my girl left me, my whole left life came crashin
Im so lonely (so lonely),
Im mr. Lonely (mr. Lonely)
I have nobody (I have nobody)
To call my own (to call my own) girl
Im so lonely (so lonely)
Im mr. Lonely (mr. Lonely)
I have nobody (I have nobody)
To call my own (to call my own) girl
Cant believe I hadda girl like you and I just let you walk right outta my life, after all I put u thru u still stuck
Around and stayed by my side, what really hurt me is I broke ur heart, baby you were a good girl and I had no right, I
Really wanna make things right, cuz without u in my life girl
Im so lonely (so lonely)
Im mr. Lonely (mr. Lonely)
I have nobody (I have nobody to call my own)
To call my own (to call my own) girl
Im so lonely (so lonely)
Im mr. Lonely (mr. Lonely)
I have nobody (I have nobody)
To call my own (to call my own) girl
Been all about the world ain't neva met a girl that can take the things that you been through
Never thought the day would come where you would get up and run and I would be out chasing u
Cuz ain't nowhere in the globe id rather be, ain't no one in the globe id rather see then the girl of my dreams that made me
Be so happy but now so lonely
So lonely (so lonely)
Im mr. Lonely (mr. Lonely)
I have nobody (I have nobody)
To call my own (to call my own)
Im so lonely (so lonely)
Im mr. Lonely (mr. Lonely)
I have nobody (I have nobody)
To call my own (to call my own) girrll
Never thought that id be alone, I didnt hope you'd be gone this long, I just want u to come home, so stop playing girl and
Come on home (come on home), baby girl I didn't mean to shout, I want me and you to work it out, I never wished Id ever
Hurt my baby, and its drivin me crazy cuz...
Im so lonely (so lonely)
Im mr. Lonely (mr. Lonely)
I have nobody (I have nobody)
To call my own (to call my own)
Im so lonely (so lonely)
Im mr. Lonely (mr. Lonely)
I have nobody (I have nobody)
To call my own (to call my own) girll
Lonely, so lonely
So lonely, (so lonely),
Mr. Lonely, so lonely
So lonely, so lonely, (so lonely), Mr. Lonely
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Mixed, Compiled and Posted by elnino araujo at 9:00:00 AM 0 comments
Labels: Let's Sing It
Tuesday, December 07, 2010
Iwan Fals - Nona
Singer Iwan Fals
Title: Nona
Album: 1910
Year: 1988
verse 1:
Sudah cukup jauh perjalanan ini
Lewati duka lewati tawa
Lewati s'gala persoalan
Kucoba berkaca pada jejak yang ada
Ternyata aku sudah tertinggal
Bahkan jauh tertinggal
Verse 2:
Bodohnya diriku tak percaya padamu
Lalu sempat aku berpikir
Untuk tinggalkan kamu
Nona, maafkan aku
Oh nona peluklah aku
nona begitu perkasanya dirimu
Nona marahlah padaku
Nona nonaku
Verse 3
Aku tak peduli apa kata mereka
Hari ini engkau di sini
Esok tetap di sini
Iwan Fals, (born September 3, 1961 in Jakarta) is an Indonesian singer and songwriter. He has released several dozen albums of mostly solo guitar-based material in a style said to be influenced by Bob Dylan. He is considered a popular singer in the country. He is known as a social observer and protest singer[1][2], although he has sung many songs about love and romance.
He is married (his wife's name is Rosanna) with three children : Galang Rambu Anarki, Annisa Cikal Rambu Basae and Rayya Rambu Robbani. His eldest son, Galang Rambu Anarki, died in April 1997 of asthma, with speculation of a morphine overdose [1]. Iwan Fals had previously written an eponymously titled song for him on his birth in 1982.
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Mixed, Compiled and Posted by elnino araujo at 8:09:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: Great Song, Greatest Musician, Let's Sing It
Friday, December 03, 2010
Radiohead - High and Dry
Two jumps in a week
I bet you think that's pretty clever don't you boy?
Flying on your motorcycle,
Watching all the ground beneath you drop
You'd kill yourself for recognition,
Kill yourself to never ever stop
You broke another mirror,
You're turning into something you are not
Don't leave me high, don't leave me dry
Don't leave me high, don't leave me dry
Drying up in conversation,
You will be the one who cannot talk
All your insides fall to pieces,
You just sit there wishing you could still make love
They're the ones who'll hate you
When you think you've got the world all sussed out
They're the ones who'll spit at you,
You will be the one screaming out
Don't leave me high, don't leave me dry
Don't leave me high, don't leave me dry
It's the best thing that you ever had,
The best thing that you ever, ever had
It's the best thing that you ever had,
The best thing you ever had has gone away
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Mixed, Compiled and Posted by elnino araujo at 7:58:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: Let's Sing It
Take That - Back for Good
I guess now it's time for me to give up, I feel it's time
Got a picture of you beside me
Got your lipstick mark still on your coffee cup, oh yeah
Got a fist of pure emotion
Got a head of shattered dreams
Gotta leave it, gotta leave it all behind now
Whatever I said, whatever I did
I didn't mean it
I just want you back for good
Want you back, want you back
I want you back for good
Whenever I'm wrong
Just tell me the song and I'll sing it
You'll be right and understood
Want you back, want you back
I want you back for good
Unaware but underlined
I figured out this story, it wasn't good
But in the corner of my mind I celebrated glory
But that was not to be
In the twist of separation
You excelled at being free
Can't you find a little room inside for me
Whatever I said, whatever I did
I didn't mean it
I just want you back for good
Want you back, want you back
I want you back for good
Whenever I'm wrong
Just tell me the song and I'll sing it
You'll be right and understood
Want you back, want you back
I want you back for good
And we'll be together, this time is forever
We'll be fighting and forever we will be
So complete in our love
We will never be uncovered again
Whatever I said, whatever I did
I didn't mean it
I just want you back for good
Want you back, want you back
I want you back for good
Whenever I'm wrong
Just tell me the song and I'll sing it
You'll be right and understood
Want you back, want you back
I want you back for good
Whatever I said, whatever I did
I didn't mean it
I just want you back for good
Want you back, want you back
I want you back for good
Whenever I'm wrong
Just tell me the song and I'll sing it
You'll be right and understood
Want you back, want you back
I want you back for good
Oh yeah
I guess now it's time
That you came back for good
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90's is take that time, it was 5 of them until Robbie Williams decided to leave the group, soon three of them tried solos. only Robbie considered succeeded. Now they're back. back in they meant to be, 5 of them
Mixed, Compiled and Posted by elnino araujo at 6:47:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: Let's Sing It
The Beatles - Hello, Goodbye
You say yes, I say no
You say stop and I say go, go, go
Oh, no
You say goodbye and I say hello
Hello, hello
I don't know why you say goodbye
I say hello
Hello, hello
I don't know why you say goodbye
I say hello
I say high, you say low
You say why, and I say I don't know
Oh, no
You say goodbye and I say hello
Hello, hello
I don't know why you say goodbye
I say hello
Hello, hello
I don't know why you say goodbye
I say hello
Why, why, why, why, why, why
Do you say good bye
Goodbye, bye, bye, bye, bye
Oh, no
You say goodbye and I say hello
Hello, hello
I don't know why you say goodbye
I say hello
Hello, hello
I don't know why you say goodbye
I say hello
hello, hello
I don't know why you say goodbye I say hello
Hela, heba helloa
Hela, heba helloa
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Mixed, Compiled and Posted by elnino araujo at 6:39:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: Great Song, Greatest Musician, Let's Sing It
I'll Never Fall In Love Again - Elvis Costello
What do you get when you fall in love?
A guy with a pin to burst your bubble
That's what you get for all your trouble
I'll never fall in love again
I'll never fall in love again
What do you get when you kiss a girl
You get enough germs to catch pneumonia
After you do, she'll never phone you
I'll never fall in love again
I'll never fall in love again
Don't tell me what it's all about
'Cause I've been there and I'm glad I'm out
Out of those chains those chains that bind you
That is why I'm here to remind you
What do you get when you give your heart
You get it all broken up and battered
That's what you get, a heart that's shattered
I'll never fall in love again
I'll never fall in love again
Out of those chains those chains that bind you
That is why I'm here to remind you
What do you get when you fall in love?
You only get lies and pain and sorrow
So for at least until tomorrow
I'll never fall in love again
I'll never fall in love again
I'll never fall in love again
I'll never fall in love again
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Mixed, Compiled and Posted by elnino araujo at 6:36:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: Great Song, Let's Sing It
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Muse - Time is Running Out
I think I'm drowning
I wanna break this spell
that you've created
you're something beautiful
a contradiction
I wanna play the game
I want the friction
you will be the death of me
you will be the death of me
bury it
I won't let you bury it
I won't let you smother it
I won't let you murder it
our time is running out
our time is running out
you can't push it underground
you can't stop it screaming out
I wanted freedom
bound and restricted
I tried to give you up
but I'm addicted
now that you know I'm trapped sense of elation
you'd never dream of
breaking this fixation
you will squeeze the life out of me
bury it
I won't let you bury it
I won't let you smother it
I won't let you murder it
our time is running out
our time is running out
you can't push it underground
you can't stop it screaming out
how did it come to this?
you will suck the life out of me
bury it
I won't let you bury it
I won't let you smother it
I won't let you murder it
our time is running out
our time is running out
you can't push it underground
you can't stop it screaming out
How did it come to this?
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Mixed, Compiled and Posted by elnino araujo at 12:27:00 AM 0 comments
Labels: Let's Sing It
Monday, November 29, 2010
That Hole...
The hole went straight on like a tunnel for some way, and then dipped suddenly down, so suddenly that I had not a moment to think about stopping myself before I found myself falling down a very deep well.
Either the well was very deep, or I fell very slowly, for I had plenty of time as I went down to look about me and to wonder what was going to happen next.
I tried to look down and make out what I was coming to, but it was too dark to see anything;
Down, down, down. Would the fall never come to an end! `I wonder how many miles I've fallen by this time?' she said aloud. `I must be getting somewhere near the centre of the earth.
Down, down, down. There was nothing else to do, since I don't know what to do next
Curiouser, curiouser, curiouser
source: Lewis Carroll's Alice in Wonderland - Chapter 1 modified
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Mixed, Compiled and Posted by elnino araujo at 5:44:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: Isn't it...., Sharing Experience
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Hari Ini, Hari sebelumnya, dan Hari Esok yang Ingin ku Jelang
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Hari ini,
Entah kenapa semua berjalan begitu lambat, andai kutahu jawabnya. Terpekur kini di relung-relung ruang yang sampai saat ini masih menyimpan sebuah rasa yang begitu dalam.
Ku basuh lagi mukaku, kedua tangan dan kakiku untuk memulai lagi satu hal yang aku sendiri tak ingat kapan terakhir kulakukan. Ketika salam kuucapkan, ketika itu pula semua bagai tergambar jelas di kelopak mataku, padahal aku tahu, saat itu mataku tengah terpejam.
Dengan segala kerendahan ini, aku memohon petunjuk-Mu, Zat yang sudah lama aku campakkan. Untuk mencari secercah jawaban atas sejuta pertanyaan yang ada dikepalaku saat ini.
Tamparan itu begitu Keras, sedemikian keras sampai aku sendiri tak tau apa yang harusnya kurasakan.
Mixed, Compiled and Posted by elnino araujo at 3:21:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: Dream that could be only dream, Faith, Sharing Experience
Monday, October 18, 2010
Kisah Resi Dorna, Si Bijak Bermuka Dua
Jadi penjilat yang paling tepat
Karirmu cepat uang tentu dapat
Jadilah Dorna jangan jadi Bima
Sebab seorang Dorna punya lidah sejuta
O . . . . o . . . . o . . . . . o . . . .
Sepenggal lirik “Nak” yang dinyanyikan salah satu legenda musik Indonesia, Iwan Fals, memang tak asing lagi di telinga walaupun lagu ini sudah terbilang lawas. Cerita tentang kenyataan dan strategi bertahan hidup yang ditularkan dari ayah kepada anaknya, sungguh membuat kita mampu melihat apa sebenarnya yang terjadi disekitar kita.
Siapakah Dorna?
Dorna adalah salah satu tokoh sentral dalam mega cerita Mahabharata. Resi Dorna digambarkan sebagai orang yang bermata kriyipan, hidung mungkal gerang, seperti batu asahan yang telah aus. Mulut gusen (bergusi). Dagu mengerut, akan tanda bahwa dagu seorang tua, berjanggut. Bertarbus. Rambut bersanggul. Berkain bentuk rapekan pendeta. Tangan hanya dapat digerakkan yang belakang. Tangan yang lain memegang tasbih. Bercelana cindai dan bersepatu.
Dorna berwatak tinggi hati, sombong, congkak, bengis, banyak bicaranya, tetapi kecakapan, kecerdikan, kepandaian dan kesaktiannnya luar baisa serta sangat mahir dalam berperang. Karena kesaktian dan kemahirannya dalam olah keprajuritan,
Dorna dilahirkan dalam keluarga brahmana (kaum pendeta Hindu). Ia merupakan putera dari pendeta Bharadwaja, lahir di kota yang sekarang disebut Dehradun (modifikasi dari kata dehra-dron, guci tanah liat), yang berarti bahwa ia (Dorna) berkembang bukan di dalam rahim, namun di luar tubuh manusia, yakni dalam Droon (tong atau guci)
Semasa mudanya Dorna dikenal sebagai Bambang Kumbayana, beroman cakap dan sakti. berasal dari Atasangin. Kumbayana mempunyai seorang saudara angkat bernama Bambang Sucitra, yang telah meninggalkan negerinya pergi ke tanah Jawa. Kumbayana pergi menyusul. Tetapi setelah sampai di tepi samudera, Kumbayana berhenti dengan sangat berduka cita Kumbayana berkata, bahwa siapapun juga yang dapat menyeberangkan dia dari pantai itu hingga sampai di pantai tanah Jawa, jika ia laki-laki akan diaku jadi saudara, jika ia perempuan akan diambil jadi isteri.
Setelah berkata itu datanglah seekor kuda betina bersayap (Jawa: kuda sembrani) mendekatinya. Kumbayana merasa bahwa kuda itulah yang akan menolongnya menyeberangkan. Maka Kumbayana mengendarai kuda itu dan terbanglah ia secepat kilat, hingga sampailah di daratan tanah Jawa. Setelah Kumbayana turun, kuda itu melahirkan seorang anak laki-laki, kemudian ia berubah menjadi seorang bidadari bernama Dewi Wilotama, dan terus terbang. Ke angkasa. Anak itu diberi nama Bambang Aswatama.
Dorna bukanlah jajaran Pandawa, juga bukan bagian dari Kurawa. Sebenarnya ia bisa dikatakan sebagai seorang pendeta bijaksana, guru bagi Pandawa dan Kurawa. Wrekudaralah seorang anak muridnya yang sejati. Adapun pada mulanya memang Wrekudara diperdayanya, diperintahkan terjun ke dalam laut supaya mati. Tapi segala petunjuk Dorna yang demikian itu malahan menjadikan kesempumaan ilmunya atas petunjuk Dewa Ruci, dewanya Wrekudara yang sebenarnya.
Dorna ahli mengembangkan seni pertempuran, termasuk dewāstra. Arjuna adalah murid yang disukainya. Kasih sayang Dorna terhadap Arjuna adalah yang kedua jika dibandingkan dengan rasa kasih sayang terhadap puteranya, Aswatama. Ia mempunyai pusaka sakti berwujud keris bernama Keris Cundamanik dan panah Sangkali (diberikan kepada Arjuna).
Drona dalam Bharatayuddha
Dalam perang Bharatayuddha, Resi Drona diangkat menjadi Senapati Agung Kurawa, setelah gugurnya Bisma. Ia sangat mahir dalam siasat perang dan selalu tepat menentukan formasi perang. Resi Drona gugur di medan pertempuran oleh tebasan pedang Drestadyumena, putera Prabu Drupada, yang memenggal putus kepalanya. Konon kematian Resi Drona akibat dendam Prabu Ekalaya, raja negara Parangggelung yang arwahnya menyatu dalam tubuh Drestadyumena. Akan tetapi sebenarnya kejadian itu disebabkan oleh taktik perang yang dilancarkan oleh pihak Pandawa dengan tipu muslihat karena kerepotan menghadapi kesaktian dan kedigjayaan sang Resi.
Pelajaran yang dapat diambil dari sini adalah bagaimanapun saktinya sang resi, beliau sangat sayang terhadap keluarganya sehingga termakan tipuan dalam peperangan yang mengakibatkan kematiannya. Selain Dorna memang terkenal sangat licik, hingga mampu dengan mudahnya memecah belah antara Pandawa dan Kurawa hingga terbetik perang mahadahsyat yang bernama Bharatayudha di padang Kurusetra.
Mari kita tarik pembelajaran ini, apakah keputusan yang kita buat akibat dari perbuatan Dorna, atau bagian dari esensi idealisme kita? Lihat sekeliling kita, apakah ada resi Dorna? Tarik akar masalahnya lalu kemudian kita ambil jalan keluar terbaik.
Bahan bacaan:,20100809-269713,id.html
dan sumber-sumber lain
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Mixed, Compiled and Posted by elnino araujo at 12:54:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: Just Read It, Sharing Experience, Social Politics
Thursday, April 08, 2010
Memang Selalu Demikian,(Kata Taufiq Ismail 1966)
Ada sebuah sajak Taufiq Ismail yang sangat populer, ditulis Taufiq Ismail, di tengah kekisruhan politik 1966 yang memunculkan Tritura dan melahirkan Orde Baru. Judulnya, "Seorang Tukang Rambutan Pada Isterinya."
"…Ya. Mahasiswa-mahasiswa itu. Anak-anak sekolah / Yang dulu berteriak: dua ratus, dua ratus! / Sampai bensin juga turun harganya / Sampai kita bisa naik bis pasar yang murah pula / Mereka kehausan karena panas bukan main / Terbakar mukanya di atas truk terbuka / Saya lemparkan sepuluh ikat rambutan kita, bu / Biarlah sepuluh ikat juga / Memang sudah rejeki mereka / Mereka berteriak kegirangan dan berebutan / …/ Dan ada yang turun dari truk, bu / Mengejar dan menyalami saya / "Hidup rakyat!", teriaknya / Saya dipanggul dan diarak-arak sebentar/ …/ "Hidup Pak Rambutan, hidup rakyat!" / Saya tersedu, bu. Belum pernah seumur hidup / Orang berterima-kasih begitu jujurnya / Pada orang kecil seperti kita".
Sajak itu menginspirasikan banyak hal pada kita. Bahwa ada saatnya, pada suatu masa, semua orang bergerak dalam kebersamaan. Semua orang mengambil perannya sendiri-sendiri, memberikan kontribusinya sendiri-sendiri, dengan caranya sendiri-sendiri. Untuk sesuatu yang diyakini bersama, untuk tujuan yang hendak dicapai bersama.
Tidak pernah lagi lahir sajak seperti itu. Karena tidak pernah lagi lahir kejadian yang sejenis. Berapa banyak gerakan advokasi dan demonstrasi mahasiswa sejak 1966. Tapi tak ada yang mengabarkan pada kita bagaimana interaksinya dengan Pak Rambutan-Pak Rambutan yang disaksikan Taufiq Ismail.
Barangkali karena situasinya memang berbeda. Di masa itu, mahasiswa tahu betul bahwa mereka bergerak dengan dukungan Angkatan Darat. Dan di masa itu, militer punya kepedulian terhadap masalah yang dihadapi rakyat: tidak tercatat adanya tentara yang diturunkan untuk menggusur tanah orang, misalnya.
Tapi barangkali juga, karena di masa itu mahasiswa memang memiliki sensitifitas untuk menangkap hati nurani rakyat. Juga 1966 itu barangkali suatu masa, di mana terdengar suara dari seorang ibu seperti yang bisa terbaca di sajak Taufiq Ismail yang lain, "Dari Ibu Seorang Demonstran" (1966) : Ibu telah merelakan kalian / Untuk berangkat demonstrasi / Karena kalian pergi menyempurnakan / Kemerdekaan negeri ini / Ya, ibu tahu, mereka tidak menggunakan gada / Atau gas air mata / Tapi peluru tajam…
Di zaman ini ada sajak Wiji Thukul: "Hanya ada satu kata: lawan!" yang jadi kalimat semua aktivis mahasiswa. Tapi berapakah "semua" itu? Lima puluh, seratus, dua ratus, atau paling banyak lima ratus orang saja terlibat, jika ada demonstrasi mahasiswa. Dua puluh ribu mahasiswa bisa memang turun berjuang, tapi hanya jika isyunya agama: kasus Monitor dan kasus SDSB. Entah apa yang membuat mahasiswa bisa demikian sensitifitas mengendus isyu SARA, tapi tidak terhadap isyu yang menyangkut penderitaan nyata umat manusia Indonesia.
Yang jelas di semua zaman, di 28, di 45, di 66, di masa ini, di masa depan, selalu terjadi apa yang dituliskan Taufiq Ismail, dalam satu lagi sajaknya, "Memang Selalu Demikian, Hadi":
Setiap perjuangan selalu melahirkan
Sejumlah pengkhianat dan para penjilat
Jangan kau gusar, Hadi
Setiap perjuang selalu menghadapkan kita
Pada kaum yang bimbang menghadapi gelombang
Jangan kau kecewa, Hadi
Setiap perjuangan yang akan menang
Selalu mendatangkan pahlawan jadi-jadian
Dan para jagoan kesiangan
Memang demikianlah halnya, Hadi
FORCI Development (Center for Forestry Organization Capacity and Institution Development-Pusat Pengembangan Kapasitas Organisasi dan Kelembagaan Kehutanan) adalah sebuah unit kerja otonom di lingkungan Fakultas Kehutanan IPB yang bergerak dalam penguatan kapasitas sumberdaya manusia, organisasi, dan kelembagaan kehutanan, yang didukung oleh kompetensi keilmuan dan pengalaman yang memadai dalam bidang kehutanan dan yang terkait, mulai tataran kebijakan (policy) sampai teknis (technical), dengan jejaring kerja dari pemerintah (government) hingga non pemerintah (civil society). Selain itu, FORCI Development juga bergerak dalam upaya-upaya transfer knowledge.
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Mixed, Compiled and Posted by elnino araujo at 1:42:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: FORCI, Great Author, Pujangga, Rakyat, Remarkable Artist, Social Politics, Taufiq Ismail
Tuesday, April 06, 2010
Fast, Easy, Cheap But Inappropriate
Exploitation of forests and peatlands for palm oil plantation industry (from the conversion of forests and peatlands for palm oil), Pulp plantation (expanded through social forestry scheme, community forest plantation -HTR), and Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation is becoming a trend. The lack of wood supply for pulp-paper, an increase in demand of CPO (crude palm oil, palm oil) of the world, and increased release of greenhouse gases (GHG) from deforestation, forest degradation, are the reasons of the three kinds of forest peatlands.
Ministry of Forestry, Zulkifli Hasan stated in the opening ceremony of UN-REDD Inception Workshop at the Grand Melia Jakarta is organized in cooperation by Ministry of Forestry, FAO, UNEP and UNDP (31 / 3), where the Minister Hasan asserted of an immediate action for rehabilitation, restoration and investment in forests and peat sectors related to climate change mitigation, which are not contrary to the trend of forest and peat.
It is doubtful whether it was possible measures of rehabilitation, restoration to the investment as a significant action in the synergy-exploitation of forests and peat? It is worth to be assessed. From past experience, long before climate change mitigation in the forest and peat sector became a serious conversation, exploitation of forests and peatlands for oil palm plantations, HPH / HTI, and agriculture has led to various social and environmental issues.
These problems are increasingly broaden and sharpen the conflict between the company’s permit holders of HGU / HPH / HTI with the community; water, soil, and air pollution by the use of fertilizers, pestisida, and even chemical wastes from of pulp-paper mill; illegal logging and logging the wrong location; increasing violence against the community by the security forces, companies, and others. And meanwhile, the Fund for Rehabilitation (DR) have never been proven for the recovery of forests and peat, thus it even suspected this recovery fund reconciled in the Ministry of Finance (read: unused).
Until now, those experience has never been solved. Even The Minister of Forestry himself admits, forestry development in the previous period shows the decreasing of forest cover area. Forest area (peat), which form a forest cover area is only 49% of primary forests remaining (the forests in mountainous areas and steep-peat dome generally have status as conservation areas or national parks).
Fraud Mitigation
Via Koran Tempo (29 / 3), Meine van Noordwijk of ICRAF called mitigation of climate change through Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD) is a false concept. One reason, the concept of REDD is too much put its focus on the funding (money), while the aspect of justice (social and environmental) is abandoned.
Meine opinion is a severe blow to the bearers of REDD’s myth (fast, easy and cheap way) for climate change mitigation efforts in Indonesia, which touted the post-UNFCCC COP 13 in Bali. Moreover, if it were combined with investments of carbon trading in which REDD will tend to become offsets schemes, developed countries does not have to reduce its emissions by buying carbon sequestration services in developing countries that have forests and peat.
Back on the quotation of Minister Hasan in the event of UN-REDD ago, “.. the more important things is how fast the developed countries to invest in carbon trading in Indonesia“, it can’t be denied Kemenhut have a strong passion to make REDD as a model of commercial exploitation of forests and peat based on the mitigation of climate change.
While many people view the investment in forests and peat sector is not only for carbon sink services. But also increased investment for the previous industries to be more promising for the expansion of forests and peat Industrial Forest Plantation (pulp-paper), palm oil plantation (for biofuel / biofuel), and peat’s electric energy fuel. If all stakeholders believe that industries based on peat and forest conversion is a major factor that increased carbon emissions, the action and spirit of Kemenhut to use REDD as forestry industry services is very contradictory. And this is a what it called Fraud Mitigation.
And is there anyone dare to take a high risk to invest their money through REDD in Indonesia? Investment in forests and peat sector is very risky, sincethe investment needs certainty and security guarantees in its operations. Horizontal-vertical conflicts, destruction of natural resources and environment, and social injustice is still the main shadow of forest and peatlands management in Indonesia. And who is really dare? World Bank are brave enough to give countenance funding to the HTI industry (through the International Finance Corporation-IFC) as well as mitigation of climate change (through the Forest Carbon Partnership Facility).
other post could be reach at:
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Mixed, Compiled and Posted by elnino araujo at 6:04:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: Forest, Just Read It, KpSHK
Thursday, April 01, 2010
Dollar Up, Rattan Stay
One of Rattan’s Stakeholder, so it called as collectors. The collector’s task is to buy rattan from farmers and then resell it to wholesalers in the city of Banjarmasin, or Samarinda for the raw rattan that came from Kedang Pahu River region, West Kutai, East Kalimantan. Since 2005, rattan collectors in West Kutai could make a transaction directly with overseas buyers, such as buyers from China.
Johan (63 years) is one of big rattan collector in the district of Kutai Barat. Since '80s era, collectors and the owner of three large rattan’s warehouse in Samarinda and Kutai Barat, and he has been involved with rattan trade.
"I've been spent whole of my life in this business. Since the price of rattan reach one dollar a kilogram (in the 80s one U.S. dollar is still equals with a thousand rupiah-red). Now the raise of dollar did not followed by the price of rattan. It’s still one thousand a kilo, the dollar itself was nearly 10 thousand rupiah," said Johan in his rattan barn, in the sub district of Damai, Sendawar (22 / 3).
The collapses of Rattan business and prices according to Johan because of several things, whic are; the failure of regeneration, that can be seen as a reduction in youth farm workers to take the rattan in their field, deliverable raw rattan processing cost keep increases and more expensive time to time, both official and unofficial levies in the delivery of rattan are still happened.
"All rattan is planted dan cultivated here. The governments even though they are our own people, could be analogued as “oranges eat oranges (each other)”. A rule about the levy is still valid despite of many times the deletion proposal. Still, there are 13 charges post existed," Johan complained about the situation of a stagnant government policy in respect of tax levies and permits to transport rattan from warehouse to outside of the district.
From other case with John (44 years), Executive Chairman of P3R (Union of Rattan Farmers and Collectors) in Damai Seberang says, "It was two times that the fuel price raised during Megawati era, and once in SBY era, rattan farmers and collectors now is unwilling to do rattan business anymore. The Cost become more expensive from time to time, but the price keep at its place. Lots of farmers than switch to be oil workers."
The absence of policy change on the levy tariffs and transport permit are also complained by Sahadi, Multi-finance Division Head of Forest Products Management, Forest Service of West Kutai-Sendawar. Forest Service officer who are a former of NGOs activist in Samarinda is complaining about the absence of synchronization between the Department of Commerce's policy change with the Ministry of Forestry, "In 2005, rattan tax-charge could reach zero percent, they are easily exported. But now, it’s not that easy anymore. We (Forest Service) have proposals to the Central Government, rattan in Kubar is cultivated and they are not in the forest area, so there is no need to take charges on them."
more about rattan:
Posted under real circumstance, source will be published and will not claimed as its own writing
Mixed, Compiled and Posted by elnino araujo at 12:08:00 PM 1 comments
Labels: Just Read It, Sharing Experience, Time to do things
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Garuda Pancasila Bag, Made from Rattan
Eheng village is well known as a home-based of rattan producers. This is because, Eheng a natural tourist destination in West Kutai, East Kalimantan. We could find rattan craft diversity ranging from the bag to takraw’s ball, Eheng is the right place.
“It’s been long time that people woven rattan in here. Women did the woven, I prepared the material, cut them and coloring rattan, ” said Mr Jamie (29 years) in the shop which also became her temporary residence in Eheng, District of Damai, Sendawar (22/3).
Mr. Jimmi’s family (first child of this family named Jimi-red), one of the many dayak families who seek rattan. There are dozens of families doing a home based rattan crafting in Eheng. There were a time that rattan became main sectors focus in West Kutai District before 2005, rattan began to catch an attention for community economic development in Eheng.
Later on, it evolved from the rattan dayak communities habit using the tools and household garden equipment of woven rattan. Rattan demand from outside the area also trigger these families to seek rattan. Besides, its raw materials readily available for long cultivated rattan in their field, local markets are also promising. Eheng as a tourist destination is clearly a milling travelers from outside the area.
“Those white skin people often passed through here, there are tourism here. During Samarinda’s PON preparations, we used to send rattan with the truck 3 times. Recently, there were message from Singapore and Malaysia, but they ask for cheaper and a lot, I could not fulfil it,” explained Mr Jimi recounts his experiences about display and accepting rattan crafts orders.
West Kutai government through the Department of Industry, Trade and Cooperatives (Disperindagkop) often involve Eheng rattan craft exhibitions in Samarinda and National level. Although society does not charge a rent to Perindagkop, people were quite happy that their rattan craft would be known by outsiders.
“My Goods, have stuck for months in government office. But never mind, those rattan was not leased and they were not taking me to the exhibition. Let the buyer know my stuff,” explained Mr. Jimi more information about the role of West Kutai local government in the rattan sector.
Palm wage labor
For last Several years, West Kutai have become a district for the construction and development of palm oil plantations. Currently in the subdistrict of Damai, there are some of palm oil plantations with core-plasma scheme. One close enough and influential to the Eheng Village is PT. Inti Sendawar Plantation (PT. PIS).
“I’m waiting for the order first. My wife had worked to PIS and not to mention about small kids we have. Most women here, work in palm oil plant,” Mr. Jimi answers about the activities of family and other families in that part of Eheng territory which opened for palm plantations.
As he showed one of the shiny rattan bag because it is often used to go to the field. Rattan bag with Garuda Pancasila pattern, Mr. Jimi said, “there are lots of people like this bag, eventhough its old. People like its garuda picture in it.”
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