Thursday, April 08, 2010

Memang Selalu Demikian,(Kata Taufiq Ismail 1966)

Ada sebuah sajak Taufiq Ismail yang sangat populer, ditulis Taufiq Ismail, di tengah kekisruhan politik 1966 yang memunculkan Tritura dan melahirkan Orde Baru. Judulnya, "Seorang Tukang Rambutan Pada Isterinya."

"…Ya. Mahasiswa-mahasiswa itu. Anak-anak sekolah / Yang dulu berteriak: dua ratus, dua ratus! / Sampai bensin juga turun harganya / Sampai kita bisa naik bis pasar yang murah pula / Mereka kehausan karena panas bukan main / Terbakar mukanya di atas truk terbuka / Saya lemparkan sepuluh ikat rambutan kita, bu / Biarlah sepuluh ikat juga / Memang sudah rejeki mereka / Mereka berteriak kegirangan dan berebutan / …/ Dan ada yang turun dari truk, bu / Mengejar dan menyalami saya / "Hidup rakyat!", teriaknya / Saya dipanggul dan diarak-arak sebentar/ …/ "Hidup Pak Rambutan, hidup rakyat!" / Saya tersedu, bu. Belum pernah seumur hidup / Orang berterima-kasih begitu jujurnya / Pada orang kecil seperti kita".

Sajak itu menginspirasikan banyak hal pada kita. Bahwa ada saatnya, pada suatu masa, semua orang bergerak dalam kebersamaan. Semua orang mengambil perannya sendiri-sendiri, memberikan kontribusinya sendiri-sendiri, dengan caranya sendiri-sendiri. Untuk sesuatu yang diyakini bersama, untuk tujuan yang hendak dicapai bersama.
Tidak pernah lagi lahir sajak seperti itu. Karena tidak pernah lagi lahir kejadian yang sejenis. Berapa banyak gerakan advokasi dan demonstrasi mahasiswa sejak 1966. Tapi tak ada yang mengabarkan pada kita bagaimana interaksinya dengan Pak Rambutan-Pak Rambutan yang disaksikan Taufiq Ismail.

Barangkali karena situasinya memang berbeda. Di masa itu, mahasiswa tahu betul bahwa mereka bergerak dengan dukungan Angkatan Darat. Dan di masa itu, militer punya kepedulian terhadap masalah yang dihadapi rakyat: tidak tercatat adanya tentara yang diturunkan untuk menggusur tanah orang, misalnya.

Tapi barangkali juga, karena di masa itu mahasiswa memang memiliki sensitifitas untuk menangkap hati nurani rakyat. Juga 1966 itu barangkali suatu masa, di mana terdengar suara dari seorang ibu seperti yang bisa terbaca di sajak Taufiq Ismail yang lain, "Dari Ibu Seorang Demonstran" (1966) : Ibu telah merelakan kalian / Untuk berangkat demonstrasi / Karena kalian pergi menyempurnakan / Kemerdekaan negeri ini / Ya, ibu tahu, mereka tidak menggunakan gada / Atau gas air mata / Tapi peluru tajam…

Di zaman ini ada sajak Wiji Thukul: "Hanya ada satu kata: lawan!" yang jadi kalimat semua aktivis mahasiswa. Tapi berapakah "semua" itu? Lima puluh, seratus, dua ratus, atau paling banyak lima ratus orang saja terlibat, jika ada demonstrasi mahasiswa. Dua puluh ribu mahasiswa bisa memang turun berjuang, tapi hanya jika isyunya agama: kasus Monitor dan kasus SDSB. Entah apa yang membuat mahasiswa bisa demikian sensitifitas mengendus isyu SARA, tapi tidak terhadap isyu yang menyangkut penderitaan nyata umat manusia Indonesia.

Yang jelas di semua zaman, di 28, di 45, di 66, di masa ini, di masa depan, selalu terjadi apa yang dituliskan Taufiq Ismail, dalam satu lagi sajaknya, "Memang Selalu Demikian, Hadi":

Setiap perjuangan selalu melahirkan
Sejumlah pengkhianat dan para penjilat
Jangan kau gusar, Hadi

Setiap perjuang selalu menghadapkan kita
Pada kaum yang bimbang menghadapi gelombang
Jangan kau kecewa, Hadi

Setiap perjuangan yang akan menang
Selalu mendatangkan pahlawan jadi-jadian
Dan para jagoan kesiangan

Memang demikianlah halnya, Hadi

FORCI Development (Center for Forestry Organization Capacity and Institution Development-Pusat Pengembangan Kapasitas Organisasi dan Kelembagaan Kehutanan) adalah sebuah unit kerja otonom di lingkungan Fakultas Kehutanan IPB yang bergerak dalam penguatan kapasitas sumberdaya manusia, organisasi, dan kelembagaan kehutanan, yang didukung oleh kompetensi keilmuan dan pengalaman yang memadai dalam bidang kehutanan dan yang terkait, mulai tataran kebijakan (policy) sampai teknis (technical), dengan jejaring kerja dari pemerintah (government) hingga non pemerintah (civil society). Selain itu, FORCI Development juga bergerak dalam upaya-upaya transfer knowledge.

Posted under real circumstance, source will be published and will not claimed as its own writing

Tuesday, April 06, 2010

Fast, Easy, Cheap But Inappropriate


Exploitation of forests and peatlands for palm oil plantation industry (from the conversion of forests and peatlands for palm oil), Pulp plantation (expanded through social forestry scheme, community forest plantation -HTR), and Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation is becoming a trend. The lack of wood supply for pulp-paper, an increase in demand of CPO (crude palm oil, palm oil) of the world, and increased release of greenhouse gases (GHG) from deforestation, forest degradation, are the reasons of the three kinds of forest peatlands.

Ministry of Forestry, Zulkifli Hasan stated in the opening ceremony of UN-REDD Inception Workshop at the Grand Melia Jakarta is organized in cooperation by Ministry of Forestry, FAO, UNEP and UNDP (31 / 3), where the Minister Hasan asserted of an immediate action for rehabilitation, restoration and investment in forests and peat sectors related to climate change mitigation, which are not contrary to the trend of forest and peat.

It is doubtful whether it was possible measures of rehabilitation, restoration to the investment as a significant action in the synergy-exploitation of forests and peat? It is worth to be assessed. From past experience, long before climate change mitigation in the forest and peat sector became a serious conversation, exploitation of forests and peatlands for oil palm plantations, HPH / HTI, and agriculture has led to various social and environmental issues.

These problems are increasingly broaden and sharpen the conflict between the company’s permit holders of HGU / HPH / HTI with the community; water, soil, and air pollution by the use of fertilizers, pestisida, and even chemical wastes from of pulp-paper mill; illegal logging and logging the wrong location; increasing violence against the community by the security forces, companies, and others. And meanwhile, the Fund for Rehabilitation (DR) have never been proven for the recovery of forests and peat, thus it even suspected this recovery fund reconciled in the Ministry of Finance (read: unused).

Until now, those experience has never been solved. Even The Minister of Forestry himself admits, forestry development in the previous period shows the decreasing of forest cover area. Forest area (peat), which form a forest cover area is only 49% of primary forests remaining (the forests in mountainous areas and steep-peat dome generally have status as conservation areas or national parks).
Fraud Mitigation

Via Koran Tempo (29 / 3), Meine van Noordwijk of ICRAF called mitigation of climate change through Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD) is a false concept. One reason, the concept of REDD is too much put its focus on the funding (money), while the aspect of justice (social and environmental) is abandoned.
Meine opinion is a severe blow to the bearers of REDD’s myth (fast, easy and cheap way) for climate change mitigation efforts in Indonesia, which touted the post-UNFCCC COP 13 in Bali. Moreover, if it were combined with investments of carbon trading in which REDD will tend to become offsets schemes, developed countries does not have to reduce its emissions by buying carbon sequestration services in developing countries that have forests and peat.

Back on the quotation of Minister Hasan in the event of UN-REDD ago, “.. the more important things is how fast the developed countries to invest in carbon trading in Indonesia“, it can’t be denied Kemenhut have a strong passion to make REDD as a model of commercial exploitation of forests and peat based on the mitigation of climate change.

While many people view the investment in forests and peat sector is not only for carbon sink services. But also increased investment for the previous industries to be more promising for the expansion of forests and peat Industrial Forest Plantation (pulp-paper), palm oil plantation (for biofuel / biofuel), and peat’s electric energy fuel. If all stakeholders believe that industries based on peat and forest conversion is a major factor that increased carbon emissions, the action and spirit of Kemenhut to use REDD as forestry industry services is very contradictory. And this is a what it called Fraud Mitigation.

And is there anyone dare to take a high risk to invest their money through REDD in Indonesia? Investment in forests and peat sector is very risky, sincethe investment needs certainty and security guarantees in its operations. Horizontal-vertical conflicts, destruction of natural resources and environment, and social injustice is still the main shadow of forest and peatlands management in Indonesia. And who is really dare? World Bank are brave enough to give countenance funding to the HTI industry (through the International Finance Corporation-IFC) as well as mitigation of climate change (through the Forest Carbon Partnership Facility).

other post could be reach at:

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Thursday, April 01, 2010

Dollar Up, Rattan Stay

One of Rattan’s Stakeholder, so it called as collectors. The collector’s task is to buy rattan from farmers and then resell it to wholesalers in the city of Banjarmasin, or Samarinda for the raw rattan that came from Kedang Pahu River region, West Kutai, East Kalimantan. Since 2005, rattan collectors in West Kutai could make a transaction directly with overseas buyers, such as buyers from China.

Johan (63 years) is one of big rattan collector in the district of Kutai Barat. Since '80s era, collectors and the owner of three large rattan’s warehouse in Samarinda and Kutai Barat, and he has been involved with rattan trade.

"I've been spent whole of my life in this business. Since the price of rattan reach one dollar a kilogram (in the 80s one U.S. dollar is still equals with a thousand rupiah-red). Now the raise of dollar did not followed by the price of rattan. It’s still one thousand a kilo, the dollar itself was nearly 10 thousand rupiah," said Johan in his rattan barn, in the sub district of Damai, Sendawar (22 / 3).

The collapses of Rattan business and prices according to Johan because of several things, whic are; the failure of regeneration, that can be seen as a reduction in youth farm workers to take the rattan in their field, deliverable raw rattan processing cost keep increases and more expensive time to time, both official and unofficial levies in the delivery of rattan are still happened.

"All rattan is planted dan cultivated here. The governments even though they are our own people, could be analogued as “oranges eat oranges (each other)”. A rule about the levy is still valid despite of many times the deletion proposal. Still, there are 13 charges post existed," Johan complained about the situation of a stagnant government policy in respect of tax levies and permits to transport rattan from warehouse to outside of the district.

From other case with John (44 years), Executive Chairman of P3R (Union of Rattan Farmers and Collectors) in Damai Seberang says, "It was two times that the fuel price raised during Megawati era, and once in SBY era, rattan farmers and collectors now is unwilling to do rattan business anymore. The Cost become more expensive from time to time, but the price keep at its place. Lots of farmers than switch to be oil workers."

The absence of policy change on the levy tariffs and transport permit are also complained by Sahadi, Multi-finance Division Head of Forest Products Management, Forest Service of West Kutai-Sendawar. Forest Service officer who are a former of NGOs activist in Samarinda is complaining about the absence of synchronization between the Department of Commerce's policy change with the Ministry of Forestry, "In 2005, rattan tax-charge could reach zero percent, they are easily exported. But now, it’s not that easy anymore. We (Forest Service) have proposals to the Central Government, rattan in Kubar is cultivated and they are not in the forest area, so there is no need to take charges on them."

more about rattan:

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