Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Indonesia's Peat Land Community Festival (March 31 - April 2, 2009)

"Strengthening the Ecological based Economy Development
for Sustainability of Peat land Community"

Indonesia is well known for its world largest tropical peat lands which consists 38 million hectares (Department of Forestry, 1997). This Prestige could also be a boomerang, just right before (UNFCCC-COP 13) United Nations Framework on Climate Change Conferences in Bali a year ago (December 2007), Wetland International had presented their research statement, that Indonesia has become the third world largest carbon emitter below United States and China from a peat land fire disaster each years.

This condition is convinced on field, after several observations at some of the latest progress considering the swamp-peat (forest-swamp) land area coverage degradation in Sumatra, Kalimantan (Borneo) and Papua. It is declared that today's extensive of Indonesia forest-swamp is 26 million hectares left. In Sumatra, the extensive of forest-swamp land for over 10 years ago had decrease from 7,2 million hectares to become 6 million hectares. Furthermore, based on these fact, there isn't any institution could confirmed the exact figures of the forest-swamp area extensive in some of Indonesia's bioregion.

Sumatra's forest-swamp land degradation equals with 20% of carbon emission released from deforestation and forest area degradation as a cause of a conversion and other utilization of forest area (including the forest-swamp area) in Indonesia (WWF, 2008).

Community's management areas (protected and production) which lies inside and around the Sumatra conservation forest area is about 40% of Sumatra's total forest areas (registration of community's management area-KpSHK, 2005). Almost 20 millions large group communities (local and traditional people) live in community's management area. For all years, these communities have been claimed to be a subject of forest and environment devastation. In contrary, for centuries these people who often to be framed as an illegal blazer and forest burner is a community that has its own traditional (local) wisdom (knowledge and culture) in a way to keep their livelihood sustainable.

Goldman in Privatizing Nature (1998) mentioned, "What it is called community doesn't have to be an ecological group, hence they have already depended on their natural resources. Automatically, these communities will maintain their natural resources sustainable for their life". According to the statement above, it is clearly proved that Community Based Forest System Management (CBFsM) have been inherited for over centuries in local (traditional) communities. At some management forms or model, SHK brought social and environmental value onto a forest area management. These SHK values are unity, independency, sustainability and continuity.

SHK studies for Climate Justice

Indonesia's soubriquet as a world's third carbon emitter from forest and forest-swamp fire as it was "prejudiced" by Wetland International at least have changed a national and international public objectives. So that, in several International agreements on climate changes (REDD-Reducing Emission from Deforestation and Degradation and CDM-Clean Development Mechanism) for a third world country like Indonesia, have troubled a forest-swamp land to be oriented and implemented on both approaches mentioned above, (mitigation and adaptation of a climate change)

Besides, forest-swamp land is often considered as a land without human activities. Even in some of government regulations, these areas are placed in a conservation forest area. In contrary, daily activities of a traditional community along Sumatra coastline, have developed these area to be a place for their cattle (buffalo) ground, fresh water nursery, swamp rice, coconut plant, vegetables-horticulture and as a source of a handicraft such as; grass mat, straw mat, and crockery.

Almost all of local (traditional) community activities in a forest-swamp land are undisruptive to its environment. Some of this even knowledge has a benefit for an environment protection and preservation, such as Smong in Semelue-Aceh.

In order to eliminate these bad suspicions and images that has been attributed to Indonesia, or specially a local (traditional) community that lives inside a forest-swamp land, and to anticipate the eviction of those from their own living ground, it is necessary to build an effort study for a community supporting group to strengthen a local (traditional) community autonomy position and its traditional wisdom to keep a natural and life sustainability. It is encourage a form of SHK social-ecology study to come up with a theme: Re-Inventory program of Community Based Peat Land Area Management alongside Eastern Sumatra Coastline. The study itself, have been conducted 3 months (October - December 2008) supported by CSF (Civil Society Forum for Climate Justice) in 4 region which are; Jambi, Palembang, West Sumatra and Riau. Some evidences found in the study are:

* Local (indigenous) community reside inside and around the peat land forest realized that there have been changes on their crop cycle, irrigation crisis, decrease of handicraft and peatland's fisheries and farm decrement
* Peat land utilization as an alternatives economy source (non timber forest product) for local (indigenous) community from community based peatland forest management has diversed caused by land destruction and conversion to a palm oil and timber estate plantation (HTI). These local (indigineous) communities reside and owe its life existence in peat land area, and they life through generations by developing a non timber peat land forest product.
* It has been land conversions from a buffer zone of peat land conservation forest area by HTI and palm oil expansion. It is obviously give impact on the environment which could increase the releasing of carbon stock (carbon emission) lies under the peat land surface.

Specifically, the evidence from SHK study for climate justice will represent as follows:

* In traditional community of "Anak Nagari Amping Parak", Pesisir Selatan, West Sumatra, since 300 ha of its traditional community peat land area introduced by palm oil plantation (ex-palm oil plantation area in transmigration region), from that moment on, this community have not ever conduct a tradition of great harvesting from rice field and farm in last 10 years. Rice field irrigation in the region aggravated by peat land forest conversion into palm oil plantation area.
* 2. In Riding Malay traditional community, reside in region 12 administration Village Ogan Komering Ilir (OKI), South Sumatra, the community have no longer plant "sonor" traditionally (sonor is a Peat Land rice) in last 5 years, it is caused by the invasion and operation of some palm oil plantation industry and monoculture industrial forest in OKI. It have been change the way of community prediction as their traditional knowledge on how the land rise-subsided (peat land), even in last 3 years it cannot be predicted at all. Besides sonor, this traditional community also have tradition to plant rubber tree obtained from interaction with other community (Lampung) as a result of a traditional "purun" handicrafts mat trading (purun, is a type of Peat Land grass).
* In Air Hangat traditional community, Kerinci, a change had occurred on way of people plant rice. In this last 30 years, biggest part of their production area bared in wetlands area or swamp, their subsistent farming method become modern (intensification, with the use of fertilizer and the mini tractor as a substitute for buffalo energy). This change cause "Kenduri Pusako", Lake Party, and rice planting period (turun sawah) accelerated, the tradition that first would be conducted in decades have become annually organized.
* In Batanghari traditional community, Muara Jambi, Jambi, growing crops and mixed fruit planting (duku and durian), Peat Land rice farming have hardly ever be conducted. Their farm and land mostly have been converted to become self-supporting palm oil plantation and industrial forest plantation. As a result, a community harvesting culture could not be carried out.
* In Kampar Peninsula Malayan traditional community, Riau, sago plantation and fresh water fishery (river fishery) have been condemned by the expansion of palm oil and industrial forest plantation. This community have not be able to conduct their traditional river fish and mass farm harvesting in the last 10 years, they have changed their farm tradition to become self-supporting palm oil farmer and have become labor in industrial forest plantation company. Though, the attainment of food needs (fish, paddy and sago) in Pekanbaru (the capital city) is fulfilled from traditional community agriculture commodities in Kampar Peninsula.

REED, NTFP and Multistakeholders Contribution in Forestry Reform

Political reformation has stepped into its 10 years progression since 1998. The order to make a reformation is also happen in Forestry by a change of the policy from principal decree of Forestry No.5/1967 into Decree of Forestry No. 41/1999.

10 years after the policy effectively implemented, the forestry reformation has created much change to initiate the community to be actively participating in forest and forest area management, such as; HKm (Social Forestry), Indegeneous Forest, Timber Based Community Forest and Village Forest. These type of community based forest management soon will be implemented, for HKm itself, the government have spared 2 million ha of the forest area to 2015 (target of implementation for 2009 is 400.000 ha), for HTR government also spared 9 million ha (6 million ha for inadequate people, 3 million ha for industry, and in 2009, government try to identify a critical forest areas).

In contrary, forestry reformation not yet acceptable by all of important forestry stake holder in Indonesia, especially by indegeneous people (indegeneous people supporting organization, Aliansi Masyarakat Adat Nusantara - AMAN claim to revise the decree No.41 especially with associated with Indegeneous Forest, whereas the code, Indegeneous Forest defined as State Forest of which Reside in indegeneousary right for indegeneous land). On the other hands, other stake holder (perpetrator of industry for example, permission holder of Timber estate Forest plantation and palm oil plantation) have conducted a partnership approach with community claimed as a model of HTR, though HTR according to forestry policy, reside in area of forest which not yet been given the management rights.

Recent condition of causal correlation between forest existences with climate change, Indonesia Government come up with proposal; REDD (Reduction Emission from Deforestation and Degradation) as a climate change adaptation and mitigation effort in Indonesia. The government hope, through this REDD, industrial country which is the biggest carbon emitor (not yet) coping to decrease carbon emission and giving crossed defrayal (compensation) for Indonesia in order to take care of [his/its] forest from degradation and deforestation (in COP meeting - Conference Of Parties-14 in Poznan, Governmental has not yet succeeded to re-negotiate this matter with a few the state which is at COP 13 have agreed).

Moreover, there are still some debate about REDD scheme which require to be executed voluntarily nor have to by mandatory for industrial country, some project of REDD in this moment, have been implemented in some area in Indonesia, for example in Aceh, Central Kalimantan (REDD in ex-Mega Rice Project peat land area which supported by Australian and Dutch government) and Papua.

Furthermore, emerge the lack of understanding and anxiety came from a lot of stake holder (NGO, indegeneous people, local government, company of plantation and forestry, research institute and independent donor institute) about REDD. In December 2008, KpSHK perform a multi stake-holder discussion together to comprehend REDD in Bogor. This evenet come up with theme "Multistakeholders Perpectives Apprehension: Economic Added Value In Community Based Peat Land Management as an Alternative respond to REDD Scheme". As a result, all participants considered REDD as a hazy matterial, it also emerge an anxiety that REDD, kill local economic initiatives (community economy level from its non timber forest product-NTFP).

Some other anxiety, raise because REDD will tend to improve forest area protection as conservation area, which from previous experiences, the community would not take benefit from conservation forest existence. REDD can trigger timber estate Forest extension and expansion (big HTI) as those which have been announced by IFCA Coordinator, Wahjudi Wardoyo (2007), " REDD will be applied to 5 forest type which are; conservation forest, natural timber Forest, timber estate forest (HTI), and peat land and conversion forest for palm oil plantation. But, timber estate forest, HTI and palm oil plantation still able to be exploited".

Indonesia Peat land Community Festival

Come up from the evidence that the problem of Forest management in Indonesia raise by causal correlation of forest existences, forestry, local (indigeneous) community and climate change that have been described above, KpSHK cooperate with some civil society organizations will conduct a Indonesia Peat land Community Festival: "Strengthening the Ecological based of Economy Development for Sustainability of Peat land Community".

The Festival conducted with purpose as follows:

* To promote ecological based of economy effort of indegeneous people live in peat land area.
* To identify multi stake-holder initiatives in order to support ecological based of economy development in peat land area, locally and national.
* Implementation reflection of decree No.41 on Forestry, as a product of forestry policy which since 1999 by multi stake-holder and its correlation with the interest of decreasing deforestation and land degradation that have been proposed by Indonesia Government as an effort for a global climate change adaptation and mitigation.
* To represent the actual portrait from economic and ecologic condition of Indonesia's peat land in order to create a sustainability of peat land's local (indigenous) community.
* To enhance the forestry bearau, national and international public to strengthen economical and ecological rescue effort by a community based peat land management.

Indonesia Peat land Community Festival will enhance all stake-holder contribution (local/indigenous people, local government, state government, plantation and forestry industry counterpart, and NGOs), locally and nationally by a serial event described as follows:

* Peat Land's Community Non Timber Forest Products Exhibitions. In peat land traditional community, non timber forest product such as; handicrafts, honey, cane and bamboo mat, is a form of peat land's people culture. The target of this product Exhibition is to identify on how far the influence of modernization to acculturation of peat land's people, and it is also expected later an emerge idea of development for economic improvement (alternatives) for peat land's people in the future. As a Specific target, KpSHK would like to identify on how big a peat land's non timber forest products could plays it parts commercially and in order to fulfill potential market demand (fair trade).
* "Peat land's Books and Film Launching". October - December 2008, KpSHK collaborated with HuMA, CSF, have conducted study in 4 region of Sumatra's peat land. At this event, the result will be represented in order to have several input from public about the actual condition of local (indigineous) community reside in peat land area
* Peat Land Community Art Performances. Culture as adaptation form to their environment is manifested in cultural art. Harvesting Party Dance, Crop Planting Season Dance, Lake Party Dance, and others culture manifestation. These appearance and performance aim to distinguish acculturations in a peat land traditional which in this time have mostly converted into palm oil, industrial forest plantation area, and the other industrial development. In this art performance, it will be invited some cultural art expert to give assessment for change from a dance values in context past and present.
* 10 years reflection of Forestry Policy reformation (decree No.41 and its causal policy) and REDD. This seminar and workshop will invite all forestry functionaries in Indonesia. Hoping that together, they will criticize and make a revision proposal for a proper implementation of sustainable forest management and prepare it for the cimate change's adaptation and mitigation di forestry (REDD) in future.
* Multi Stake Holder Panel Discussion on Peat Land people's culture and the Development of peat lands Ecology-based Economy. This panel discussion aim to see how immense the influence of a plantation industrial development, forestry, and agriculture to peat land people's culture, so that the existing acculturation can be clearly identified in a point of view of anthropology or social theories or also culture practices. Social-Economy Forestry expertises will also contribute to open a new public's point of view, so that the goals of creating a solution for a security of local and regional economy income which based on ecological and economical sustainable.
* Multi Stake Holder Workshop on Creating Agreement Agenda for a Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation in Peat Land Area. Kegiatan ini akan mewadahi para pihak untuk secara bersama-sama memahami adaptasi-mitigasi perubahan iklim di sektor kehutanan (REDD) terutama para pihak di kawasan rawa-gambut untuk kemudian menyiapkannya ke dalam agenda masing-masing.
* Documentation and Promotion, "Peat land's Books and Film Launching". Documentation and promotion will be serially conducted from prep and during the "Indonesia Peat Land's people Festival", it is expected to encourage multiparty participation and support from government, private sectors and public to comprehend acculturation of a peat land ecosystem traditional community. The output of this "Indonesia Peat Land's people Festival" formed in books and movie, which later will be well distributed in particular party considering with the problem. The purpose for a policy maker, so that the government and its component (institution) started to consider about this peat land community acculturation as a potential priority that need a deliberation in a social and economic development process such as poverty eradication, the improvement of local economic through a tourism sector on peat land ecosystem. Local TV contribution such as; Ruai TV-Kalbar, Bengkulu TV dan Kendari TV along the festival, the result will be well distributed.

The committee formed by KpSHK consists with:

* Chairman: Mohammad Djauhari (National Coordinator of KpSHK)
* Steering Committee: Mohammad Djauhari, Berry Nahdian Forqan (WALHI), Abet Nego Tarigan (Sawit Watch), Joko Waluyo, Andiko (HuMa), Asep (HuMa), Nurhidayati (CSF), Puji Semedi (Kehati), Rina Kusuma (Kehati), Kisworo Pinilih (Ruai TV-Kalbar), and MN. Asikin (Board KpSHK).
* Organizing Committee: Sutrisno Elnino, Jefri Saragih, staff and volunteer of KpSHK

Contact person
KpSHK, (Konsorsium Pendukung system hutan Kerakyatan)
Consortium for Supporting Community Based Forest system Management
Jalan Sutiragen V No.14, Indraprasta I, Bogor, West Java. Indonesia. 16153
ph: 0251 8380301, fax: 0251 8380301. e-mail: kpshk@kpshk.org ,
CP: Mohammad Djauhari (National Coordinator), email: tjongpaniti@kpshk.org